
conbox is a Go implementation of unix-like utilities as single static executable intended for small container images.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

license Go Report Card


conbox is a Go implementation of unix-like utilities as single static executable intended for small container images.

Created by gh-md-toc


git clone https://github.com/udhos/conbox
cd conbox
go install ./conbox


Available applets

List available applets:

$ conbox
conbox: version 0.0 runtime go1.12.4 GOMAXPROC=1 OS=linux ARCH=amd64

usage: conbox APPLET [ARG]... : run APPLET
       conbox -h              : show command-line help
       conbox -l              : list applets

conbox: registered applets:
cat echo ls mkdir printenv pwd rm rmdir shell which

See all implemented applets here:


Basename usage

You can create a symbolic link for a supported applet pointing to 'conbox':

ln -s ~/go/bin/conbox ~/bin/cat
~/bin/cat /etc/passwd

Subcommand usage

Pass applet name as subcommand to 'conbox':

conbox cat /etc/passwd

Shell usage

All applets are also directly available from within conbox shell:

$ conbox shell
conbox: version 0.0 runtime go1.12.4 GOMAXPROC=1 OS=linux ARCH=amd64

welcome to conbox shell.
this tiny shell is very limited in features.
however you can run external programs normally.
some hints:
       - use 'conbox' to see all applets available as shell commands.
       - use 'help' to list shell built-in commands.
       - 'exit' terminates the shell.

shell built-in commands:
builtin cd exit help

conbox shell$

Adding new applet

  1. Create a new package for the applet under directory 'applets'. The package must export the function Run() as show in example below.
$ more applets/myapp/run.go
package myapp // put applet myapp in package myapp

import (


// Run executes the applet.
func Run(tab map[string]common.AppletFunc, args []string) int {

        fmt.Println("myapp: hello")

        return 0 // exit status
  1. In file 'conbox/applets.go', import the applet package and include its Run() function in the applet table:
$ more conbox/applets.go
package main

import (
	// (...)
        "github.com/udhos/conbox/applets/myapp" // <-- import the applet package
	// (...)

func loadApplets() map[string]common.AppletFunc {
        tab := map[string]common.AppletFunc{
		// (...)
                "myapp": myapp.Run, // <-- point applet name to its Run() function
		// (...)
        return tab
  1. Rebuild conbox and test the new applet:
$ go install ./conbox
$ conbox myapp
myapp: hello


Get 'conbox' as docker image udhos/conbox:latest from:


Run in docker

Run applet:

docker run --rm udhos/conbox:latest cat /etc/passwd

Run interactive shell:

docker run --rm -ti udhos/conbox:latest shell

Docker recipes

Build docker image:


Tag image:

docker tag udhos/conbox udhos/conbox:latest

Push image:

docker login
docker push udhos/conbox:latest

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