To compile (must be inside "pMachine" folder): Type: make To run (must be inside "pMachine" folder): Type: ./pMachine Alternatively you may use ./pMachine -l,-a, or -vm to print out the lexemelist, mcode, or stack trace. This program reads input.txt as input and produces cleaninput.txt, lexemelist.txt, lexemetable.txt, mcode.txt, stacktrace.txt, and symlist.txt as output. input.txt should be in the folder "pMachine" to run properly. This folder also contains assignment3errors.txt. As part of the assignment 3 regrading we were asked to list which test cases we got wrong, so that this version can be used for regrading. assignment3errors.txt lists these test cases. This program is entirely my own work and I have neither developed my code together with any another person, nor copied program code from any other person, nor permitted my code to be copied or otherwise used by any other person, nor have I copied, modified, or otherwise used program code that I have found in any external source, including but not limited to, online sources. GROUP MEMBERS: Zachary Gill Alex McKeel
2016 - This is a fully functional scanner, parser, compiler, and virtual machine for generating and executing PM/0 code. This project was a semester long assignment in my Systems Software class during my Sophomore year at UCF.