
Primary LanguagePython

The second place of MICCAI 2023 competition

Please refer to miccai2023 for data preparation and processing: https://github.com/LMMMEng/LLD-MMRI2023


Our method integrates multiple models trained by cross-validation, and each model use class-balanced loss, oversampling strategy and data augment to alleviate the problems of data imbalance and overfitting in this competition

Image text


We provide our own txt files about five-fold cross-validation in ./data

The command for training is

bash train.sh

Modifications of the relevant parameters can be implemented in the train.sh file


We select 6 models for integration, where fold3 was selected twice because it is difficult, which only requires simple modification of the parameter --model

Fold1 for uniformer-base and its confusion matrix as follows

Fold2 for uniformer-small and its confusion matrix as follows

Fold3 for uniformer-small and uniformer-base and its confusion matrix as follows

Fold4 for uniformer-base and its confusion matrix as follows

Fold5 for uniformer-small and its confusion matrix as follows


We use all trainval data to train a model, we save model between 100 and 250 epochs every 10 epochs based on previous training experience, and save a best model according to loss, Then we choose one of them, we also give the model weight of the competition submission

The command for training is

bash train_alldata.sh


The first output json is trained by ensemble model


python predict_submit.py --data_dir {your data path} --val_anno_file root_dir/labels_test_inaccessible.txt --model uniformer_base_original uniformer_small_original uniformer_small_original uniformer_base_original uniformer_base_original uniformer_small_original --checkpoint {fold1.pth.tar fold2.pth.tar small_fold3.pth.tar base_fold3.pth.tar fold4.pth.tar fold5.pth.tar} --batch-size 1 --results-dir {your result dir} --team_name {your name} --img_size 16 128 128 --crop_size 14 112 112

The second output json is the model trained by all trainval data

Just change the parameter --model {uniformer_small_original} and give the corresponding --checkpoint {trainval.pt} and add --modified


python predict_submit.py --data_dir {your data path} --val_anno_file root_dir/labels_test_inaccessible.txt --model uniformer_small_original --checkpoint {trainval.pt} --batch-size 1 --results-dir {your result dir} --team_name {your name} --img_size 16 128 128 --crop_size 14 112 112 --modified

Finally we will get the final json by post-processing 2 model outputs using

python postprocess/json_refine.py

Noted that json trained by all trainval data should be put in first and json trained by ensemble should be put in second

Pretrained model

The pretrained model can be downloaded by:


The pretrained model for uniformer all can be found in:
