
Thank you for using Schedubuddy. This project is still actively maintained, so please report any issues in this repository.

This is the webapp frontend developed for schedubuddy with ReactJS and Material-UI. This webapp receives university schedules tailored to the user and displays them in a familiar format. For the back-end, please refer to this repository.


This webapp was designed to be lightweight and intuitive yet also powerful. To try it out, simply select an academic term, enter courses from the autocomplete, tune your preferences, and press "Get Schedules". After a few seconds of searching, the top schedules will be displayed in the order given by the ranking algorithm. Every schedule will be unique-looking, so that a variety of schedules can be given. example usage


Website built with ReactJS and Material-UI, and hosted on Netlify. Web API built with Flask and hosted on Heroku.


  • Some half-block classes are displayed as full blocks. Half-block classes are typically indicative of classes that occur biweekly. Currently, most biweekly classes do display as half-blocks.
  • For inputs where there are a very large number of possible schedules, not all of them are considered. For the majority of practical inputs, a sufficient number are still considered and net good results.

Future Work

  • Add additional settings for blocking out times of the day.
  • Add additional settings for excluding certain classes.