
GPTs for ComfyUI | Explanation Creation Resolution | ComfyUI 助手

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ComfyUI Assistant

GPTs for ComfyUI | Explanation Creation Resolution | ComfyUI 助手


项目地址 | Link



Note :For Now, only for ChatGPT Plus

项目介绍 | 使用教程 | Tutorial

【GPTs | 我专门为ComfyUI定制了一个全能助手 | 再也不用担心ComfyUI不会用了】

功能说明 | Features

1. 自定义节点 | Nodes


Node explanation: supports two methods of file upload and project link

2)创建全新节点:会自动给出可下载的完整地代码文件,放入custom nodes文件夹即可运行

Create a new node: a complete code file that can be downloaded will be automatically given, which can be run after putting it into the custom nodes folder.


Error resolution: supports uploading files + error code analysis, and automatically provides solutions or code files

2. 工作流 | Workflows


Workflow explanation and description: It will automatically analyze the node content and parameters contained, and can solve the parameter usage in detail


Missing node search: Detailed information and links to the projects to which the missing nodes belong will be automatically given for easy access.


ComfyUI 按钮 | Button for ComfyUI



Download ComfyUI_Assistant.js and put it in \ComfyUI\web\extensions, that's all



  • 现已支持对ComfyUI工作流图片的解释和参数说明功能

    support explaining image of workflows

  • 创建了一个用于ComfyUI的按钮,点击即可直达 ComfyUI Assistant

    Created a button for ComfyUI, click to go directly to ComfyUI Assistant

  • 全新GPTs :ComfyUI Assistant 上线!再也不用担心学不会ComfyUI了!

    Brand new GPTs: ComfyUI Assistant is online! No more worrying about not being able to learn ComfyUI!


  • ComfyUI Nodes Creator 已更名为 ComfyUI Assistant,现可支持:

    ComfyUI Nodes Creator has been renamed ComfyUI Assistant and now supports:

    • 创建、解释自定义节点,

      Create and interpret custom nodes,

    • 解决节点报错问题,

      Solve the problem of node error reporting,

    • 查找缺失节点,

      Find missing nodes,

    • 解释工作流及其所包含的节点功能与参数用法(需上传JSON文件)

      Explain the workflow and the node functions and parameter usage it contains (JSON file needs to be uploaded)

  • ComfyUI Nodes Creator支持了联网解释节点,直接给它github链接就行了

    ComfyUI Nodes Creator supports online interpretation nodes, just give it a github link.


  • 创建了ComfyUI Nodes Creator,是一个可用于节点生成和解释的GPTs,订阅了GPT的小伙伴可以去玩

    Created ComfyUI Nodes Creator, which is a GPTs that can be used for node generation and interpretation. Friends who subscribe to GPT can play it.

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