
Chinese plugins of Flashlight (https://github.com/nate-parrott/Flashlight/)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT



4th-party plugins of Flashlight (https://github.com/nate-parrott/Flashlight/)


If you are familiar with command lines, you can use ln -s bundle_name.bundle ~/Library/FlashlightPlugins for easier update via git.



  • timestamp for current timestamp
  • timestamp 1400000000 to convert timestamp into human redable time string

ts is short for timestamp, you can also use ts 1400000000 for less typing.


  • haomatong 10086 to fetch info from haomatong for specified phone number

hmt is short for haomatong, use hmt 10086 for less typing.



  • kuaidi 100033892580 to fetch express info from kuaidi100.com


###YoudaoDic (by Hyde Wang)###

  • youdao one to translate one from English to Chinese.
  • youdao 汪 to translate from Chinese to English.

yd is short for youdao, you can also use yd flower for less typing.

Press ENTER to see translation on dic.youdao.com in browser



  • douban Interstellar to search for a movie on douban


###ZhiHuDaily (By 小贼ZH)

Zhihu is the chinese website like quora

  • zhihu daily to show zhihu daily
  • zhihu hot to show zhihu hot topics
  • zhihu 20141111 to show zhihu hot topics of the specific date