
This is my first reinforcement learning work. I didn't use deep learning at that time, so it will shows how the traditional RL algorithm works.
僕の初めての強化学習ワークでした。 当時は深層学習を使用していなかったため、従来のRLアルゴリズムがどのようにするかのは示されています。



SARSA(TD, on-policy)

Q表をこのように更新する: Q(S,A) = Q(S,A) + α[reward + γQ(S’,A’) – Q(S,A)]

ε-グリーディ:確率的に最優方策を選んで、ε = ε *(1+0.005)

(Noise on action) 実際に dead-road があるため、εは固定値になります。

There are some dead roads so ε is assigned to be a consistent value.



State Action

I pepared 9 actions for agent to choose and let agent see 8 blocks around itself. And the data of each block is equal to map's data plus enemy's data. Imitating the CNN.
データ = マップの値 + 敵の値 = getReceptiveFieldCellValue(x,y) + getEnemiesCellValue(x,y)


reward shaping

reward = A * coins + B * win + C * kills - D * hurts - E * die;

*目的と設定によって、係数を変える.例えば、難しい場合には A を高くして、エージェントを右へ行かせます。
*Change the coefficients depending on purposes and settings. For example, in difficult rounds it is supposed to make the A higher which can let the agent forward to right.


This model learns very fast but unpleasant. Due to its simpleness, the model just makes simple judgements(inaccurate and overestimate). It shows the agent has no sense of taking actions to respond to the complex environment. It has learn nothing about the environment although it just can see a little part of state and take them into Q-table.
Using CNN as input and DRL will get better result.



The mario game is presented by The University of Electro-Communications.