The source code for HSED and UHSED models

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This repository contains the source code and dataset for the paper "Heterogeneous Social Event Detection via Hyperbolic Graph Representations".


  • Python==3.7
  • torch>=1.4.0
  • numpy>=1.16.4
  • scipy>=1.2.1
  • networkx>=2.4
  • dgl==0.4.3
  • scikit-learn==0.20.3
  • torchvision=0.2.2


To run HSED

  • Step 1) set model as 'HSED' and dataset as 'twitter' in config.py.
  • Step 2) run feature_process.py to generate the initial features from the Twitter dataset.
  • Step 3) run generate_homo_graph.py to cover social message to homogeneous information network as input.
  • Step 4) run HSED.py

To run UHSED

  • Step 1) set model as 'UHSED' and dataset select from ['mini-twitter', 'cora'[2], 'citeseer'[2]] in config.pu.
  • Step 2) run UHSED.py


HSED only use Twitter dataset [1] and UHSED use mini-Twitter, Cora [2] and Citeseer [2] datasets.

To run this code on different detasets please change the valu of 'dataset' in config.py.

Twitter dataset

The Twitter dataset contains 68.841 manually labeled tweets related to 503 event classes. To save time, processed data can be found on Google Drive.

Twitter data Format

'event_id': manually labeled event class
'tweet_id': tweet id
'text': content of the tweet
'created_at': timestamp of the tweet
'user_id': the id of the sender
'user_loc', 'place_type', 'place_full_name', and 'place_country_code': the location of the sender
'hashtags': hashtags contained in the tweet
'user_mentions': user mentions contained in the tweet
'image_urls': links to the images contained in the tweet
'entities': a list, named entities in the tweet (extracted using spaCy)
'words': a list, tokens of the tweet (hashtags and user mentions are filtered out)
'filtered_words': a list, lower-cased words of the tweet (punctuations, stop words, hashtags, and user mentions are filtered out)
'sampled_words': a list, sampled words of the tweet (only words that are not in the dictionary are kept to reduce the total number of unique words and maintain a sparse message graph)

Twitter dataset Usage

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

p_part1 = './data/Twitter_initial/68841_tweets_multiclasses_filtered_0722_part1.npy'
p_part2 = './data/Twitter_initial/68841_tweets_multiclasses_filtered_0722_part2.npy'
df_np_part1 = np.load(p_part1, allow_pickle=True)
df_np_part2 = np.load(p_part2, allow_pickle=True)
df_np = np.concatenate((df_np_part1, df_np_part2), axis = 0)
print("Loaded data.")
df = pd.DataFrame(data=df_np, columns=["event_id", "tweet_id", "text", "user_id", "created_at", "user_loc",\
    "place_type", "place_full_name", "place_country_code", "hashtags", "user_mentions", "image_urls", "entities", 
    "words", "filtered_words", "sampled_words"])


In our paper the baselines we used including:


If you find this repository helpful, please consider citing the following paper.

  title={Heterogeneous Social Event Detection via Hyperbolic Graph Representations},
  author={Qiu, Zitai and Wu, Jia and Yang, Jian and Su, Xing and Aggarwal, Charu C},
  journal={IEEE Transactions on Big Data},


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