
Object Detection Code Base

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Language: 🇺🇸 🇨🇳

«ZDet» is a object detection benchmark code base

Table of Contents


Object detection is one of the most mature and complex directions in the field of deep learning, and new model definitions, training methods and deployment skills appear every year. Some of these methods are only for specific data sets or specific implementation purposes, but there are always some methods that can be applied to most scenarios. There have been some great open source frameworks for object detection, such as MMDetection and Detectron2. In order to better learn, use and deploy object detection algorithms, I also try to implement some commonly used object detection algorithms.


  • zhujian - Initial work - zjykzj



Anyone's participation is welcome! Open an issue or submit PRs.

Small note:


Apache License 2.0 © 2021 zjykzj