
A toolkit for customizing the ambiX ambisonics-to-binaural renderer

Primary LanguageMATLABMIT LicenseMIT

# SOFA/AmbiX Binaural Rendering (SABRE) Toolkit
The SABRE toolkit is a collection of MATLAB functions that allows the user to create
custom binaural decoder presets for Matthias Kronlachner’s ambiX binaural plug-in. The
toolkit allows the user to import SOFA-formatted HRTFs and generate a corresponding
binaural decoder configuration (.config) file. The toolkit requires the SOFA API to
extract the HRTF data.

=== Primary Uses ===
A) Creating an ambiX binaural decoder using all measured HRTFs:
	1. Load HRTFs and corresponding measurement positions
	2. Generate a basic decoder for the measurement positions
	3. Export the combined ambiX .config file with decoder and HRTFs

B) Creating an ambiX binaural decoder for a desired grid of loudspeaker positions:
	1. Load HRTFs and corresponding measurement positions
	2. Specify the desired loudspeaker positions
	3. Extract/interpolate HRTFs for the loudspeaker positions
	4. Generate a basic (or quadrature) decoder for the loudspeaker positions
	5. Export the combined ambiX .config file with decoder and HRTFs

C) Adding HRTFs to an existing ambiX binaural decoder:
	1. Load HRTFs and corresponding measurement positions
	2. Specify the loudspeaker positions for the existing decoder
	3. Extract/interpolate HRTFs for the loudspeaker positions
	4. Import the existing ambiX .config file and decoder
	5. Export the combined ambiX .config file with decoder and HRTFs

=== Related Software ===
Matthias Kronlachner’s ambiX Plug-ins


Aaron Heller’s Ambisonic Decoder Toolbox

MATLAB by MathWorks