
A PyTorch Implementation of Pointnet++.

Primary LanguagePython


An unofficial PyTorch Implementation of PointNet++: Deep Hierarchical Feature Learning on Point Sets in a Metric Space[NIPS 2017].


  • PyTorch, Python3, TensorboardX, tqdm, fire


  • Start

    • Dataset: ModelNet40, download it from Official Site or Baidu Disk with hi1i.

    • Train

      python train_clss.py --data_root your_data_root --log_dir your_log_dir
      python train_clss.py --data_root /root/modelnet40_normal_resampled --log_dir cls_ssg_1024
    • Evaluate

      python evaluate.py evaluate_cls model data_root checkpoint npoints
      python evaluate.py evaluate_cls pointnet2_cls_ssg  /root/modelnet40_normal_resampled \
      checkpoints/pointnet2_cls_250.pth 1024
      python evaluate.py evaluate_cls pointnet2_cls_msg root/modelnet40_normal_resampled \
      checkpoints/pointnet2_cls_250.pth 1024
  • Performance(the first row is the results reported in Paper, the following rows are results reported from this repo.)

    Model NPoints Aug Accuracy(%)
    PointNet2(official) 5000 91.7
    PointNet2_SSG 1024 91.8
    PointNet2_SSG 4096 91.7
    PointNet2_SSG 4096 90.5
    PointNet2_MSG 4096 91.0
    Model Train_NPoints DP Test_NPoints Accuracy(%)
    PointNet2_SSG 1024 256 67.9
    PointNet2_SSG 1024 256 90.8
    PointNet2_SSG 1024 1024 91.8
    PointNet2_SSG 1024 1204 91.9
  • Train Your own Dataset

    • Prepare the dataset(n classes) in the ModelNet40 structure
          |- class1(dir)
              | - class1_name11.txt
              | - class1_name12.txt
          |- class2(dir)
              | - class2_name21.txt
              | - class2_name22.txt
          |- classn(dir)
          |- shape_names.txt
              | - class1(line1)
              | - class2(line2)
              | - ...
              | - classn(linen)
          |- train.txt
              | - class1_name11
              | - class2_name21
              | - class2_name22
              | - ...
              | - classn_namen1
          |- test.txt
              | - class1_name12
              | - class2_name22
              | - ...
              | - classn_namen2
    • Start to train
      python train_custom_cls.py --data_root your_datapath/CustomData --nclasses 2 --npoints 2048
    • Start to evaluate
      python evaluate_custom.py evaluate_cls pointnet2_cls_ssg your_datapath/CustomData work_dirs/checkpoints/pointnet2_cls_250.pth 2

Part Segmentation

  • Start

    • Dataset: ShapeNet part, download it from Official Site or Baidu Disk with 3e5z.

    • Train

      python train_part_seg.py --data_root your_data_root --log_dir your_log_dir
      python train_part_seg.py --data_root /root/shapenetcore_partanno_segmentation_benchmark_v0_normal \
      --log_dir seg_ssg --batch_size 64
    • Evaluate

      python evaluate.py evaluate_seg data_root checkpoint
      python evaluate.py evaluate_seg /root/shapenetcore_partanno_segmentation_benchmark_v0_normal \
  • Metrics: Average IoU

    Model Metrics mean aero bag cap car chair ear phone guitar knife lamp laptop motor mug pistol rocket skate board table
    PointNet2(official) IoU 85.1 82.4 79.0 87.7 77.3 90.8 71.8 91.0 85.9 83.7 95.3 71.6 94.1 81.3 58.7 76.4 82.6
    PointNet2_SSG IoU 84.1 82.3 75.0 80.1 77.8 90.2 73.7 90.7 84.1 82.9 95.0 69.3 93.3 80.3 55.6 76.3 80.7
    PointNet2_SSG Accuracy 93.2 89.9 89.0 85.5 91.8 94.4 93.5 96.1 91.1 89.2 96.9 87.4 96.4 93.7 77.2 95.9 94.8
