Basic Understand of how Kubernetes work

1. Two core concepts of Kubernetes.

  1. API, which you use to define your applications.
  2. the cluster, which runs your applications.

  • Can define your applications in YAML files and send those files to the Kubernetes API.
  • Kubernetes looks at what you are asking for in the YAML and compares it to what is already running in the cluster.
  • Defining the structure of application is your job. Running and managing every thing is down to Kubernetes.
  • YAML files --> application manifests

2. How Kubernetes runs and manages containers

  • A container is a virtualized environment that typically runs a single application component.
  • Kubernetes wraps the container in another virtualized environment; the pod.
  • A Pod is a unit of compute, which runs on a single node in the cluster.
  • The Pod has its own virtual IP address, which is managed by Kubernetes and can communicate with other pods over that virtual network.
  • All containers in a pod are part of the same virtual environment, so they share the same network address and can communicate using localhost.

3. Pods in Kubernetes

  • Smallest deployment unit in Kubernetes.
  • Containers live inside a pod.
  • a pod can have multiple containers.

4. Replicasets in Kubernetes

  • Ensures specific number of pods are running at any point of time