NORA MapAI: Precision in Building Segmentation

This is the official repository for the MapAI competition arranged by the Norwegian Mapping Authority, Centre for Artificial Intelligence Research at University of Agder (CAIR), Norwegian Artificial Intelligence Research Consortium (NORA), AI:Hub, Norkart, and the Danish Agency for Data Supply and Infrastructure.

For this competition we are testing a new competition-framework/template for arranging competitions using Github and Huggingface. This is the first competition we are arranging with the framework, and therefore appreciate your feedback and will be available for questions. If there is a question or something is wrong, please raise a issue regarding the question.

The competition is sponsored by AI:Hub and The Norwegian Mapping Authority

aihub logo kartverket logo

Competition Information

The competition aims at building segmentation using aerial images and lidar data. The competition consists of two different tasks:

  1. Building segmentation only using aerial images.
  2. Building segmentation using lidar data (it is allowed to combine the lidar with aerial images).


The training and validation data is an open building segmentation dataset from Denmark. While the test data comes from various locations in Norway which is currently not released yet. All data will be released after the competition in a collected huggingface dataset.

It is important to note that the training and evaluation data comes from real-world data. As a result there will be flaws in the dataset, such as missing masks or masks that does not correspond to a building in an image. The images come from orthophotos generated using a DTM, and therefore, the building-masks are slightly skewed compared to the ground truth masks.

The dataset is hosted on Huggingface and can be found here. Downloading the dataset is done using the huggingface datasets package.

First you need to install the competition_toolkit package with pip (command expects your current directory is MapAI-Compeition):

pip3 install competition_toolkit/

The you can download the dataset with the following python code, be sure to run the function from within the src folder in your team folder:

from competition_toolkit.dataloader import download_dataset
data_type = "train" # or "validation"
task = 1 # or 2, but does not matter for train and validation data types
# paths is a list of dicts, where each dict is a data sample, 
# and each dict have "image", "lidar", and "mask" keys
# with the path to the corresponding file
paths = download_dataset(data_type, task)

data_sample = paths[0]

data_sample = {
    "image": <path_to_img>,
    "lidar": <path_to_lidar>,
    "mask": <path_to_mask>

where data_type can either be "train" or "validation". The function downloads a .parquet file from huggingface and extracts images, masks, and lidar data to a data/ folder in the base of the repository.

NB: If the function returns paths without downloading them, and you do not have a data/ folder in the MapAI-Competition folder, then you have to remove the cache for huggingface datasets. In Ubuntu, you will find this cache in ~/.cache/huggingface


Acquiring accurate segmentation masks of buildings is challenging since the training data derives from real-world photographs. As a result, the data often have varying quality, large class imbalance, and contains noise in different forms. The segmentation masks are affected by optical issues such as shadows, reflections, and perspectives. Additionally, trees, powerlines, or even other buildings may obstruct the visibility. Furthermore, small buildings have proved to be more difficult to segment than larger ones as they are harder to detect, more prone to being obstructed, and often confused with other classes. Lastly, different buildings are found in several diverse areas, ranging from rural to urban locations. The diversity poses a vital requirement for the model to generalize to the various combinations. These hardships motivate the competition and our evaluation method.


Forking the base repository is part of the registration process. However, we would also like you to register your information in a Google forms. The main reason comes from the ability to reach out to the participant with important information. As mentioned earlier, the competition framework is piloting with this competition, and therefore it will be more prone to change compared to more established competition frameworks. Please fill out the form below.

Google form


The prizes will be 1200 euros for first place, 500 euros for second place, and 300 Euros for third place.

  1. 1200 Euro
  2. 500 Euro
  3. 300 Euro

Results will be presented at after evaluation.


The competition will be arranged on Github. The steps for participation is as following:


Step 1 - Fork

Fork the MapAI-Competition repository in Github. Forking creates a clone of the base repo on your own user and allows for easier pull requests and so on.

Step 2 - Clone with -o parameter

Clone your fork down to your computer with the following command:

git clone<your_username>/MapAI-Competition.git -o submission

The -o parameter sets the origin name for this repostory to be "submission" and not the default which is "origin".

Step 3 - Create a new private (or public) repository

Create a new private repository on your own github. The reason we need this is because it is not possible to set the visibility of a fork to private. Therefore, to keep your development progress private, we have to add another remote repository for the MapAI-Competition fork.

To do this, you have to change directories into the cloned fork. E.g. cd MapAI-Competition.

Step 4 - Add private remote repository to fork

Then, we can keep developing in the cloned fork and push the changes to the private repository. To be able to do this, we have to add remote origin by running the following command:

git remote add origin <private_repository>


git remote add origin

This will enable you to push your changes to the private repository and not the public fork by just pushing as usual to origin master. Because we have not specified the origin for the remote it will default to origin.

git push origin <branch>

Step 5 - Create your own team-folder

It is important to follow the structure of the team_template in the repository. The easiest way to keep this structure is by just creating a copy of the team_template folder and name it according to your team name. The folder you create must follow the correct naming structure, which is team_<team_name> (Please make it kinda unique, e.g. two first letters of each teammate). You can copy the team_template and name it with the following command:

cp -r team_template ./team_<team_name>

For the entirety of the competition, you will only change and develop inside this folder. Nothing outside the team-folder should be changed or altered. You can find more information about the folder structure and contents in the section about folder structure.

The template is already ready with code that can run, train, and evaluate - this is just template code and you are allowed to change everything related to the training of the models. To use the template code, some functionality relies on the competition_toolkit package which can be installed from the MapAI-Competition folder with the following command:

pip3 install competition_toolkit/

When it comes the evaluation file, it is more restricted, as they are used to automatically evaluate the models.

Step 6 - Delivery

When the deadline is due, there are a few steps that will have to be taken to get ready for submission.

Step 6.1 - Push your changes to the fork

Push all of your changes to the fork - this will make your code and models visible in the fork. This is done by running the following command:

git push submission master

As we set the origin for the fork to submission in the start.

6.2 - Create a pull request to the base repo

The next step is to create a pull request against the base repository. This will initiate a workflow that runs and evaluates the model on a validation dataset. This workflow will have to pass in order to deliver the submission.

When the deadline is finished, we will evaluate all of your code on the hidden test-dataset and publish the results on a github page.

Step 7 - 2 Page Paper

All participants are asked to submit a 2 page paper (double column, plus 1 additional page for references) describing their method and results. The submitted papers will be reviewed single blind and will be published. Outstanding submissions will be invited to submit a full length paper to a special issue about the competition in the Nordic Machine Intelligence Journal.

Uploading and downloading models from

This is optional, and we're satisfied as long as the models are downloaded and loaded through the script

As the .pt files for models can be rather large, we want you to upload the model files to your own google drive and download them from there during evaluation.

  1. Train a model and get the .pt file
  2. Upload the modelfile to a google drive folder
  3. Enable sharing with link (Which allows us to use gdown to download the modelfile)
  4. Get the link
  5. Test the modelfiles and check that it is correct and loads correctly
  6. During submission, ensure this works correctly by following the "Checklist before submission" section

Checklist before submission

  • Verify that you are able to run the evaluation pipeline
    • To do this you can go to your own repository.
    • Then go to the actions tab
    • Press the "Evaluation Pipeline"
    • Then press the "run workflow" for the branch you are testing (most likely master)
    • Ensure the entire workflow runs without any issues (environment issues are common)
      • If the environment issues are an issue, then you have to edit the pyproject.toml in the base of your team folder

Bibtex Citation

   author = {Sander Jyhne and Morten Goodwin and Per-Arne Andersen and Ivar Oveland and Alexander Salveson Nossum and Karianne Ormseth and Mathilde Ørstavik and Andrew C Flatman},
   doi = {10.5617/NMI.9849},
   issn = {2703-9196},
   issue = {3},
   journal = {Nordic Machine Intelligence},
   keywords = {Aerial Images,Deep Learning,Image segmentation,machine learning,remote sensing,semantic segmentation},
   month = {9},
   pages = {1-3},
   title = {MapAI: Precision in Building Segmentation},
   volume = {2},
   url = {},
   year = {2022},