
Redness prediction on automatically detected and segmented tomatoes

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

The scripts here aim to predict tomato quality parameters, sugar content, acidity, sugar acid ratio and lycopene, of automatically segmented tomato through hyprespectral image reconstruction from single RGB image


Google Colab version adapted from https://github.com/fizyr/keras-retinanet can go follow the link directly if there is anything unclear


Python code can be run on Google Colab. The major architecture are adapted from HSCNNR, http://openaccess.thecvf.com/content_cvpr_2018_workshops/papers/w13/Shi_HSCNN_Advanced_CNN-Based_CVPR_2018_paper.pdf. Data processing and model evaluation metrics are adapted from https://github.com/SaoYan/Multiscale-Super-Spectral


This file converts json files generated from labelme to csv files of image names and bounding boxes of tomatoes inside image


The annotations of these tomatoes in the images: first column lists original images's file path while the last column includes the path of these masks of the original images; four columns in the middle indicate where the bounding boxes of tomatoes are.


Show one example class name in csv file


Script coverting spectral image to RGB image can be found at https://github.com/ZJiangsan/Spectral2RGB


Python script extract individual tomato spectral reflectance based on segmented tomato images, excluding exposed area


R script combine spectral reflectance and tomato quality measurements and then do random forest feature selection and regression on shape corrected spectral reflectance