
Magic Square Application

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Magic Square App


  • First, we need to install the correct working versions of Aleo and SnarkOS

  • Download the binary of snarkos from here based on your operating system. Place the binary in global path for it to be accessible globally. An example command of how to add it to path is given below:

mv snarkos /Users/shubham/.cargo/bin/snarkos
  • Download the binary of leo from here. Place the leo binary in the path too, similar to how it is done above.

  • Install tmux. For MacOS you can use the command below

brew install tmux
  • Download the devnet script from here and run it to start the development network.

  • Once you have started the network, transfer some credits to your developer account public balance. Replace the DESTINATION_ADDRESS.

snarkos developer execute credits.aleo transfer_private_to_public  "{  owner: aleo1rhgdu77hgyqd3xjj8ucu3jj9r2krwz6mnzyd80gncr5fxcwlh5rsvzp9px.private,  microcredits: 1000000000000u64.private,  _nonce: 2375769092384433893584628345181087640612139758569367275399070851734157235845group.public}" "DESTINATION_ADDRESS" 837500000000u64 --private-key "APrivateKey1zkp8CZNn3yeCseEtxuVPbDCwSyhGW6yZKUYKfgXmcpoGPWH" --query "http://localhost:3030" --broadcast "http://localhost:3030/testnet3/transaction/broadcast" --priority-fee 10000000000 --record "{  owner: aleo1rhgdu77hgyqd3xjj8ucu3jj9r2krwz6mnzyd80gncr5fxcwlh5rsvzp9px.private,  microcredits: 1000000000000u64.private,  _nonce: 3743508150122274933886887505116667914085733635951652042037409200808870682360group.public}"


  • Use create-aleo-app to bootstrap a template aleo application
npm create aleo-app@latest