APEX: Alloy Properties EXplorer using simulations

Primary LanguagePythonGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0

APEX: Alloy Property EXplorer

APEX: Alloy Property EXplorer is a component of the AI Square project that involves the restructuring of the DP-GEN auto_test module to develop a versatile and extensible Python package for general alloy property calculations. This package enables users to conveniently establish a wide range of cloud-native property-test workflows by utilizing various computational approaches, including LAMMPS, VASP, ABACUS, and others.

v1.2 Main Features Update

  • Add a retrieve sub-command to allow results to be retrieved independently and manually for multiple properties (Remove Distributor and Collector OP)
  • Support common dflow operations with terminal commands
  • Incorporate results archive function to both local paths and NoSQL database (MongoDB and DynamoDB)
  • Add a report sub-command for quick results visualization and cross-comparison via a front-end APP based on Dash
  • Support SeeK-path for automatic band path search in phonon calculations
  • Support eight conventional HCP interstitial configurations for interstitial calculations
  • Add four additional ML pair styles (snap, gap, rann and mace) and an extra meam-spline in LAMMPS interation type support
  • Modify the single-step run command from test to do for improved clarity and consistencey

APEX Bohrium App

APEX also provides a web-based Bohrium App for rapid and easy alloy property calculations without intensive JSON configuration (Note: one will need a Bohrium account to access this service).

How to cite APEX

If you use APEX in your research, please cite the following paper for general purpose:

Z. Li, T. Wen, Y. Zhang, X. Liu, C. Zhang, A. S. L. S. Pattamatta, X. Gong, B. Ye, H.Wang, L. Zhang, D. J. Srolovitz, An extendable cloud-native alloy property explorer (2024). arXiv:2404.17330.

Table of Contents

1. Overview

APEX adopts the functionality of the second-generation auto_test for alloy properties calculations and is developed utilizing the dflow framework. By integrating the benefits of cloud-native workflows, APEX streamlines the intricate procedure of automatically testing various configurations and properties. Owing to its cloud-native characteristic, APEX provides users with a more intuitive and user-friendly interaction, enhancing the overall user experience by eliminating concerns related to process control, task scheduling, observability, and disaster tolerance.

The comprehensive architecture of APEX is demonstrated below:


Figure 1. Schematic diagram of APEX

APEX consists of three types of pre-defined workflow that users can submit: relaxation, property, and joint. The relaxation and property sub-workflow comprise three sequential steps: Make, Run, and Post, while the joint workflow essentially combines the relaxation and property workflows into a comprehensive workflow.

The relaxation process begins with the initial POSCAR supplied by the user, which is used to generate critical data such as the final relaxed structure and its corresponding energy, forces, and virial tensor. This equilibrium state information is essential for input into the property workflow, enabling further calculations of alloy properties. Upon completion, the final results are automatically retrieved and downloaded to the original working directory.

In both the relaxation and property workflows, the Make step prepares the corresponding computational tasks. These tasks are then transferred to the Run step that is responsible for task dispatch, calculation monitoring, and retrieval of completed tasks (implemented through the DPDispatcher plugin). Upon completion of all tasks, the Post step is initiated to collect data and obtain the desired property results.

APEX currently offers calculation methods for the following alloy properties:

  • Equation of State (EOS)
  • Elastic constants
  • Surface energy
  • Interstitial formation energy
  • Vacancy formation energy
  • Generalized stacking fault energy (Gamma line)
  • Phonon spectra

Moreover, APEX supports three types of calculators: LAMMPS for molecular dynamics simulations, and VASP and ABACUS for first-principles calculations.

2. Easy Install

Easy install by

pip install apex-flow

You may also clone the package firstly by

git clone https://github.com/deepmodeling/APEX.git

then install APEX by

pip install .

3. User Guide

3.1. Before Submission

In APEX, there are three essential components required before submitting a workflow:

  • A global JSON file containing parameters for configuring dflow and other global settings (default: "./global.json")
  • A calculation JSON file containing parameters associated with calculations (relaxation and property test)
  • A work directory consists of necessary files specified in the above JSON files, along with initial structures (default: "./")

3.1.1. Global Setting

The instructions regarding global configuration, dflow, and DPDispatcher specific settings must be stored in a JSON format file. The table below describes some crucial keywords, classified into three categories:

  • Basic config

    Key words Data structure Default Description
    apex_image_name String zhuoy/apex_amd64 Image for step other than run. One can build this Docker image via prepared Dockerfile
    run_image_name String None Image of calculator for run step. Use {calculator}_image_name to indicate corresponding image for higher priority
    run_command String None Shell command for run step. Use {calculator}_run_command to indicate corresponding command for higher priority
    group_size Int 1 Number of tasks per parallel run group
    pool_size Int 1 For multi tasks per parallel group, the pool size of multiprocessing pool to handle each task (1 for serial, -1 for infinity)
    upload_python_package Optional[List] None Additional python packages required in the container
    debug_pool_workers Int 1 Pool size of parallel tasks running in the debug mode
    flow_name String None Specify name of workflow to be submitted (default: work path name)
    submit_only Bool False Submit workflow only without automatic result retrieving
  • Dflow config

    Key words Data structure Default Description
    dflow_host String Url of dflow server
    k8s_api_server String Url of kubernetes API server
    dflow_config Optional[Dict] None Specify more detailed dflow config in a nested dictionary with higher priority (See dflow document for more detail)
    dflow_s3_config Optional[Dict] None Specify dflow s3 repository config in a nested dictionary with higher priority (See dflow document for more detail)
  • Dispatcher config (One may refer to DPDispatcher’s documentation for details of the following parameters)

    Key words Data structure Default Description
    context_type String None Context type to connect to the remote server
    batch_type String None System to dispatch tasks
    local_root String "./" Local root path
    remote_root String None Remote root path
    remote_host String None Remote root path
    remote_username String None Remote user name
    remote_password String None Remote user password
    port Int 22 Remote port
    machine Optional[Dict] None Complete machine setting dictionary defined in the DPDispatcher with higher priority
    resources Optional[Dict] None Complete resources setting dictionary defined in the DPDispatcher with higher priority
    task Optional[Dict] None Complete task setting dictionary defined in the DPDispatcher with higher priority
  • Bohrium (additonal dispatcher config to be specified when you want to quickly adopt the pre-built dflow service or scientific computing resources on the Bohrium platform )

    Key words Data structure Default Description
    email String None Email of your Bohrium account
    phone String None Phone number of your Bohrium account
    password String None Password of your Bohrium account
    program_id Int None Program ID of your Bohrium account
    scass_type String None Node type provided by Bohrium

Please refer to the Quick Start section for various instances of global JSON examples in different situations.

3.1.2. Calculation Parameters

The method for indicating parameters in alloy property calculations is akin to the previous dpgen.autotest approach. There are three categories of JSON files that determine the parameters to be passed to APEX, based on their contents.

Categories calculation parameter files:

Type File format Dictionary contained Usage
Relaxation json structures; interaction; Relaxation For relaxation worflow
Property json structures; interaction; Properties For property worflow
Joint json structures; interaction; Relaxation; Properties For relaxation, property and joint worflows

It should be noted that files such as POSCAR, located within the structure directory, or any other files specified within the JSON file should be defined as relative path to the working directory and prepared in advanced.

Below are three examples (for detailed explanations of each parameter, please refer to the Hands-on_auto-test documentation for further information):

  • Relaxation parameter file
      "structures":            ["confs/std-*"],
      "interaction": {
              "type":           "deepmd",
              "model":          "frozen_model.pb",
              "type_map":       {"Mo": 0}
      "relaxation": {
              "cal_setting":   {"etol":       0,
                                "ftol":     1e-10,
                                "maxiter":   5000,
                                "maximal":  500000}
  • Property parameter file
      "structures":    ["confs/std-*"],
      "interaction": {
          "type":          "deepmd",
          "model":         "frozen_model.pb",
          "type_map":      {"Mo": 0}
      "properties": [
            "type":         "eos",
            "skip":         false,
            "vol_start":    0.6,
            "vol_end":      1.4,
            "vol_step":     0.1,
            "cal_setting":  {"etol": 0,
                            "ftol": 1e-10}
            "type":         "elastic",
            "skip":         false,
            "norm_deform":  1e-2,
            "shear_deform": 1e-2,
            "cal_setting":  {"etol": 0,
                            "ftol": 1e-10}
  • Joint parameter file
      "structures":            ["confs/std-*"],
      "interaction": {
            "type":           "deepmd",
            "model":          "frozen_model.pb",
            "type_map":       {"Mo": 0}
      "relaxation": {
              "cal_setting":   {"etol":       0,
                              "ftol":     1e-10,
                              "maxiter":   5000,
                              "maximal":  500000}
      "properties": [
          "type":         "eos",
          "skip":         false,
          "vol_start":    0.6,
          "vol_end":      1.4,
          "vol_step":     0.1,
          "cal_setting":  {"etol": 0,
                          "ftol": 1e-10}
          "type":         "elastic",
          "skip":         false,
          "norm_deform":  1e-2,
          "shear_deform": 1e-2,
          "cal_setting":  {"etol": 0,
                          "ftol": 1e-10}
    } EOS
Key words Data structure Example Description
vol_start Float 0.9 The starting volume related to the equilibrium structure
vol_end Float 1.1 The maximum volume related to the equilibrium structure
vol_step Float 0.01 The volume increment related to the equilibrium structure
vol_abs Bool False Whether to treat vol_start and vol_end as absolute volume, default = False Elastic
Key words Data structure Example Description
norm_deform Float 0.01 The deformation in xx, yy, zz, defaul = 1e-2
shear_deform Float 0.01 The deformation in other directions, default = 1e-2
conventional Bool False Whether adopt conventional cell for deformation
ieee Bool True Whether rotate relaxed structure into IEEE-standard format before deformation (ref) Surface
Key words Data structure Example Description
min_slab_size Int 10 Minimum size of slab thickness
min_vacuum_size Int 11 Minimum size of vacuum width
pert_xz Float 0.01 Perturbation through xz direction used to compute surface energy, default = 0.01
max_miller Int 2 The maximum miller index number of surface, default = 2 Vacancy
Key words Data structure Example Description
supercell List[Int] [3, 3, 3] The supercell to be constructed, default = [1,1,1] Interstitial
Key words Data structure Example Description
insert_ele List[String] ["Al"] The element to be inserted
supercell List[Int] [3, 3, 3] The supercell to be constructed, default = [1,1,1]
conf_filters Dict "min_dist": 1.5 Filter out the undesirable configuration
Fig3 Gamma Line

Figure 2. Schematic diagram of Gamma line calculation

The Gamma line (generalized stacking fault energy) function of APEX calculates energy of a series slab structures of specific crystal plane, which displaced in the middle along a slip vector as illustrated in Figure 2. In APEX, the slab structrures are defined by a plane miller index and two orthogonal directions (primary and secondary) on the plane. The slip vector is always along the primary directions with slip length defined by users or default settings. Thus, by indicating plane_miller and the slip_direction (i.e., primary direction), a slip system can be defined.

For most common slip systems in FCC, BCC and HCP crystal structures, slip direction, secondary direction and default fractional slip lengths are already documented and listed below (users are strongly advised to follow those pre-defined slip system, or may need to double-check the generated slab structure, as unexpected results may occur especially for system like HCP):

  • FCC

    Plane miller index Slip direction Secondary direction Default slip length
    $(001)$ $[100]$ $[010]$ $a$
    $(110)$ $[\bar{1}10]$ $[001]$ $\sqrt{2}a$
    $(111)$ $[11\bar{2}]$ $[\bar{1}10]$ $\sqrt{6}a$
    $(111)$ $[\bar{1}\bar{1}2]$ $[1\bar{1}0]$ $\sqrt{6}a$
    $(111)$ $[\bar{1}10]$ $[\bar{1}\bar{1}2]$ $\sqrt{2}a$
    $(111)$ $[1\bar{1}0]$ $[11\bar{2}]$ $\sqrt{2}a$
  • BCC

    Plane miller index Slip direction Secondary direction Default slip length
    $(001)$ $[100]$ $[010]$ $a$
    $(111)$ $[\bar{1}10]$ $[\bar{1}\bar{1}2]$ $\frac{\sqrt{2}}{2}a$
    $(110)$ $[\bar{1}11]$ $[00\bar{1}]$ $\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}a$
    $(110)$ $[1\bar{1}\bar{1}]$ $[001]$ $\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}a$
    $(112)$ $[11\bar{1}]$ $[\bar{1}10]$ $\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}a$
    $(112)$ $[\bar{1}\bar{1}1]$ $[1\bar{1}0]$ $\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}a$
    $(123)$ $[11\bar{1}]$ $[\bar{2}10]$ $\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}a$
    $(123)$ $[\bar{1}\bar{1}1]$ $[2\bar{1}0]$ $\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}a$
  • HCP (Bravais lattice)

    Plane miller index Slip direction Secondary direction Default slip length
    $(0001)$ $[2\bar{1}\bar{1}0]$ $[01\bar{1}0]$ $a$
    $(0001)$ $[1\bar{1}00]$ $[01\bar{1}0]$ $\sqrt{3}a$
    $(0001)$ $[10\bar{1}0]$ $[01\bar{1}0]$ $\sqrt{3}a$
    $(01\bar{1}0)$ $[\bar{2}110]$ $[000\bar{1}]$ $a$
    $(01\bar{1}0)$ $[0001]$ $[\bar{2}110]$ $c$
    $(01\bar{1}0)$ $[\bar{2}113]$ $[000\bar{1}]$ $\sqrt{a^2+c^2}$
    $(\bar{1}2\bar{1}0)$ $[\bar{1}010]$ $[000\bar{1}]$ $\sqrt{3}a$
    $(\bar{1}2\bar{1}0)$ $[0001]$ $[\bar{1}010]$ $c$
    $(01\bar{1}1)$ $[\bar{2}110]$ $[\bar{1}2\bar{1}\bar{3}]$ $a$
    $(01\bar{1}1)$ $[\bar{1}2\bar{1}\bar{3}]$ $[2\bar{1}\bar{1}0]$ $\sqrt{a^2+c^2}$
    $(01\bar{1}1)$ $[0\bar{1}12]$ $[\bar{1}2\bar{1}\bar{3}]$ $\sqrt{3a^2+4c^2}$
    $(\bar{1}2\bar{1}2)$ $[10\bar{1}0]$ $[1\bar{2}13]$ $\sqrt{3}a$
    $(\bar{1}2\bar{1}2)$ $[1\bar{2}13]$ $[\bar{1}010]$ $\sqrt{a^2+c^2}$

The parameters related to Gamma line calculation are listed below:

Key words Data structure Default Description
plane_miller Sequence[Int] None Miller index of the target slab
slip_direction Sequence[Int] None Miller index of slip (primary) direction of the slab
slip_length Int|Float; Sequence[Int|Float, Int|Float, Int|Float] Refer to specific slip system as the table shows above, or 1 if not indicated Slip length along the primary direction with default unit set by users or default setting. As for format of [x, y, z], the length equals to $\sqrt{(xa)^2+(yb)^2+(zc)^2}$
plane_shift Int|Float 0 Shift of displacement plane with unit of lattice parameter $c$ (positive for upwards). This allows creating slip plane within narrowly-spaced planes (see ref).
n_steps Int 10 Number of steps to displace slab along the slip vector
vacuum_size Int|Float 0 Thickness of vacuum layer added around the slab with unit of Angstrom
supercell_size Sequence[Int, Int, Int] [1, 1, 5] Size of generated supercell based on slab structure
add fix Sequence[Str, Str, Str] ["true","true","false"] Whether to add fix position constraint along x, y and z direction during calculation

Here is an example:

    "type":            "gamma",
    "skip":            true,
    "plane_miller":    [0,0,1],
    "slip_direction":  [1,0,0],
    "hcp": {
      	"plane_miller":    [0,1,-1,1],
      	"slip_direction":  [-2,1,1,0],
        "slip_length":     [1,0,1],
        "plane_shift": 0.25
    "supercell_size":   [1,1,6],
    "vacuum_size": 10,
    "add_fix": ["true","true","false"],
    "n_steps":         10

It should be noted that for various crystal structures, users can further define slip parameters within the respective nested dictionaries, which will be prioritized for adoption. In the example above, the slip system configuration within the "hcp" dictionary will be utilized. Phonon Spectra

This function incorporates part of dflow-phonon codes into APEX to make it more complete. This workflow is realized via Phonopy, and phonoLAMMPS for LAMMPS calculation. In APEX, this part includes the SeeK-path for automatically high-symmetry points searching for phonon calculation.

IMPORTANT!!: it should be noted that the phonoLAMMPS package must be pre-installed in the user's run_image to ensure accurate LAMMPS calculations for the phonon spectra.

Parameters related to Phonon calculations are listed below:

Key words Data structure Default Description
primitive Bool False Whether to find primitive lattice structure for phonon calculation
approach String "linear" Specify phonon calculation method when using VASP; Two options: 1. "linear" for the Linear Response Method, and 2. "displacement" for the Finite Displacement Method
supercell_size Sequence[Int] [2, 2, 2] Size of supercell created for calculation
MESH Sequence[Int] None Specify the dimensions of the grid in reciprocal space for which the phonon frequencies and eigenvectors are to be calculated. For example: [8, 8, 8]; Refer to Phonopy MESH
PRIMITIVE_AXES String None To define the basis vectors of a primitive cell in terms of the basis vectors of a conventional cell for input cell transformation. For example: "0.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.0"; Refer to Phonopy PRIMITIVE_AXES
BAND String None (Optional) Indicate band path in reciprocal space as format of Phonopy BAND; For example: "0 0 0 1/2 0 1/2, 1/2 1/2 1 0 0 0 1/2 1/2 1/2". If not specified, the seekpath package will be adopted to automatically determine band path according to relaxed structure
BAND_LABELS String None (Optional) Indication of band path labels for report plot
BAND_POINTS Int 51 Number of sampling points including the path ends
BAND_CONNECTION Bool True With this option, band connections are estimated from eigenvectors and band structure is drawn considering band crossings. In sensitive cases, to obtain better band connections, it requires to increase number of points calculated in band segments by the BAND_POINTS tag
seekpath_from_original Bool False Whether to re-seek standard primitive cell for relaxed structure for band path via the seekpath package. If True: seekpath.get_path_orig_cell will be adopted, else: seekpath.get_path. Refer to seekpath document
seekpath_param Dict None (Optional) Other parameters to be specified for seekpath.get_path and seekpath.get_path. Refer to seekpath document

When utilizing VASP, you have two primary calculation methods: the Linear Response Method and the Finite Displacement Method.

The Linear Response Method has an edge over the Finite Displacement Method in that it eliminates the need for creating super-cells, thereby offering computational efficiency in certain cases. Additionally, this method is particularly well-suited for systems with anomalous phonon dispersion (like systems with Kohn anomalies), as it can precisely calculate the phonons at the specified points.

On the other hand, the advantage of Finite Displacement Method lies in its versatility; it functions as an add-on compatible with any code, including those beyond the scope of density functional theory. The only requirement is that the external code can compute forces. For instance, ABACUS may lack an implementation of the Linear Response Method, but can effectively utilize the Finite Displacement Method implemented in phonon calculations.

3.2. Submission

3.2.1. Workflow Submission

APEX will execute a specific dflow workflow upon each invocation of the command in the format: apex submit [-h] [-c [CONFIG]] [-w WORK [WORK ...]] [-d] [-s] [-f {relax,props,joint}] parameter [parameter ...]. The type of workflow and calculation method will be automatically determined by APEX based on the parameter file provided by users. Additionally, users can specify the workflow type, configuration JSON file, and work directory through an optional argument (Run apex submit -h for further help). Here is an example to submit a joint workflow:

apex submit param_relax.json param_props.json -c ./global_bohrium.json -w 'dp_demo_0?' 'eam_demo'

if no config JSON (following -c) and work directory (following -w) is specified, ./global.json and ./ will be passed as default values respectively.

3.2.2. Workflow Inquiry & Operations

APEX supports several commonly used dflow inquiry and operation commands as listed below:

  • list: List all workflows information
  • get: Get detailed information of a workflow
  • getsteps: Get detailed steps information of a workflow
  • getkeys: Get keys of steps from a workflow
  • delete: Delete a workflow
  • resubmit: Resubmit a workflow
  • retry: Retry a workflow
  • resume: Resume a workflow
  • stop: Stop a workflow
  • suspend: Suspend a workflow
  • terminate Terminate a workflow

Take stop as an example (usage: apex stop [-h] [-i ID] [-w WORK] [-c [CONFIG]]) user can refer to following three options:

  1. apex stop, as running at the target work_dir, and apex will inquiry workflow ID from .workflow.log file under the current path (config.json is the default config file)
  2. apex stop -w ./EAM_Ti -c ./EAM_Ti/config.json to indicate target work_dir to stop
  3. apex stop -i relax-fe03j4 -c ./config_bohrium.json to indicate specific workflow ID to stop

3.2.3. Run Individual Step

APEX also provides a single-step test mode, which can run Make run and Post step individually under local enviornment. Please note that one needs to run commands under the work directory in this mode. User can invoke them by format of apex run [-h] [-c [CONFIG]] parameter {make_relax,run_relax,post_relax,make_props,run_props,post_props} (Run apex run -h for help). Here is a example to do relaxation in this mode:

  1. Firstly, generate relaxation tasks by
    apex do param_relax.json make_relax
  2. Then dispatch tasks by
    apex do param_relax.json run_relax -c machine.json
    where machine.json is a JSON file to define dispatch method, containing machine, resources, task dictionaries and run_command as listed in DPDispatcher’s documentation. Here is an example to submit tasks to a remote HPC managed by Slurm:
       "run_command": "lmp -i in.lammps -v restart 0",
       "machine": {
           "batch_type": "Slurm",
           "context_type": "SSHContext",
           "local_root" : "./",
           "remote_root": "/hpc/home/hku/zyl/Downloads/remote_tasks",
               "hostname": "***.**.**.**",
               "username": "USERNAME",
               "password": "PASSWD",
               "port": 22,
               "timeout": 10
           "number_node": 1,
           "cpu_per_node": 4,
           "gpu_per_node": 0,
           "queue_name": "apex_test",
           "group_size": 1,
           "module_list": ["deepmd-kit/2.1.0/cpu_binary_release"],
           "custom_flags": [
                 "#SBATCH --partition=xlong",
                 "#SBATCH --ntasks=1",
                 "#SBATCH --mem=10G",
                 "#SBATCH --nodes=1",
                 "#SBATCH --time=1-00:00:00"
  3. Finally, when all tasks are finished, post-process by
    apex do param_relax.json post_relax

The property test can follow a similar approach.

3.3. After Submission

3.3.1. Retrieve Results Manually

Sometimes when results auto-retrieving fails after workflows finish, you may try to retrieve completed test results manually by the retrieve command with a specific workflow ID (or target work_dir) provided:

apex retrieve [-h] [-i ID] [-w WORK] [-c [CONFIG]]

where the WORK defaults to be ./, and the CONFIG JSON (default: config.json) is used to connect to the remote storage. The command usage to similar to 3.2.2. Workflow Inquiry & Operations

3.3.2. Archive Test Results

After completion of each workflow, the results and test parameters of corresponding property will be stored as json format automatically under respective work directory named as all_result.json. You can also do this manually to update this file based on the latest run by:

apex archive [parameter …]

Argument format of this sub-command is similar to that of submit command. Please use apex archive -h for complete usage introduction. It should be noticed that each archive command will only update property information of those identified as active according to the parameter files and indication provided similar to the submit mode.

This mode can also archive results to NoSQL database. We currently support two types of database client: MongoDB and DynamoDB. Below shows global configuration parameters for two database archive:

Key words Data structure Default Description
database_type String local Database type, three choices available: local (only archive to local all_result.json), mongodb and dynamodb. One can also indicate this by -d within archive command
archive_method String sync Choose from sync and record. sync synchronizes and updates results into same item based on work directory id; record records each archived result into a new item with unique timestamp. One can also indicate this by -m within archive command

For MongoDB:

Key words Data structure Default Description
mongodb_host String localhost Mongodb host
mongodb_port Int 27017 Mongodb port
mongodb_database String apex_results Mongodb database name
mongodb_collection String apex_results Mongodb collection name
mongodb_config Dict None Complete parameter dictionary for MongoClient

For DynamoDB:

Key words Data structure Default Description
dynamodb_table_name String apex_results Dynamodb table name
dynamodb_config Dict None Complete parameter dictionary for boto3 session

3.3.3. Results Visualization Report

Note that this mode only runs on computer with interactive UI frontend. In this mode, APEX will create a comprehensive and interactive results visualization report according to all_result.json within indicated work directories. This is achieved through Dash App. You can invoke the report app simply under target work directory by:

apex report

Or indicate multiple work directories or path of result file in json format by -w for cross-comparison. Here is an example:

apex report -w DP/all_result.json ./MEAM_00*

Once the report app is opened (or manully via, users can select configurations and property types. Then the corresponding result plot and data table will be shown accordingly. NOTE:

  • If two Dash pages are automatically opened in your browser, you can close the first one.
  • If the clipboard buttons do not function well, try to reload the page once.
  • Do not over-refresh the page as duplicate errors may occur. Should this occur, stop the server and re-execute the apex report command.

    Figure 3. Demonstration of APEX Results Visualization Report

4. Quick Start

We present several case studies as introductory illustrations of APEX, tailored to distinct user scenarios. For our demonstration, we will utilize a LAMMPS_example to compute the Equation of State (EOS) and elastic constants of molybdenum in both Body-Centered Cubic (BCC) and Face-Centered Cubic (FCC) phases. To begin, we will examine the files prepared within the working directory for this specific case.

├── confs
│   ├── std-bcc
│   │   └── POSCAR
│   └── std-fcc
│       └── POSCAR
├── frozen_model.pb
├── global_bohrium.json
├── global_hpc.json
├── param_joint.json
├── param_props.json
└── param_relax.json

There are three types of parameter files and two types of global config files, as well as a Deep Potential file of molybdenum frozen_model.pb. Under the directory of confs, structure file POSCAR of both phases have been prepared respectively.

4.1. In the Bohrium

The most efficient method for submitting an APEX workflow is through the preconfigured execution environment of dflow in the Bohrium platform. To do this, it may be necessary to create an account on Bohrium. Below is an example of a global.json file for this approach.

    "dflow_host": "https://workflows.deepmodeling.com",
    "k8s_api_server": "https://workflows.deepmodeling.com",
    "batch_type": "Bohrium",
    "context_type": "Bohrium",
    "email": "YOUR_EMAIL",
    "password": "YOUR_PASSWD",
    "program_id": 1234,
    "lammps_image_name": "registry.dp.tech/dptech/prod-11045/deepmdkit-phonolammps:2.1.1",
    "lammps_run_command":"lmp -in in.lammps",
    "scass_type":"c8_m31_1 * NVIDIA T4"

Then, one can submit a relaxation workflow via:

apex submit param_relax.json -c global_bohrium.json

Remember to replace email, password and program_id of your own before submission. As for image, you can either build your own or use public images from Bohrium or pulling from the Docker Hub. Once the workflow is submitted, one can monitor it at https://workflows.deepmodeling.com.

4.2. In a Local Argo Service

Additionally, a dflow environment can be installed in a local computer by executing installation scripts located in the dflow repository (users can also refer to the dflow service setup manual for more details). For instance, to install on a Linux system without root access:

bash install-linux-cn.sh

This process will automatically configure the required local tools, including Docker, Minikube, and Argo service, with the default port set to Consequently, one can modify the global_hpc.json file to submit a workflow to this container without a Bohrium account. Here is an example:

    "run_image_name": "zhuoyli/apex_amd64",
    "run_command":"lmp -in in.lammps",
    "batch_type": "Slurm",
    "context_type": "SSHContext",
    "local_root" : "./",
    "remote_root": "/hpc/home/zyl/Downloads/remote_tasks",
    "remote_host": "",
    "remote_username": "USERNAME",
    "remote_password": "PASSWD",
        "number_node": 1,
        "cpu_per_node": 4,
        "gpu_per_node": 0,
        "queue_name": "apex_test",
        "group_size": 1,
        "module_list": ["deepmd-kit/2.1.0/cpu_binary_release"],
        "custom_flags": [
            "#SBATCH --partition=xlong",
            "#SBATCH --ntasks=4",
            "#SBATCH --mem=10G",
            "#SBATCH --nodes=1",
            "#SBATCH --time=1-00:00:00"

In this example, we attempt to distribute tasks to a remote node managed by Slurm. Users can replace the relevant parameters within the machine dictionary or specify resources and tasks according to DPDispatcher rules.

For the APEX image, it is publicly available on Docker Hub and can be pulled automatically. Users may also choose to pull the image beforehand or create their own Docker image in the Minikube environment locally using a Dockerfile (please refer to Docker's documentation for building instructions) to expedite pod initialization.

Then, one can submit a relaxation workflow via:

apex submit param_relax.json -c global_hpc.json

Upon submission of the workflow, progress can be monitored at

4.3. In a Local Environment

If your local computer experiences difficulties connecting to the internet, APEX offers a workflow local debug mode that allows the flow to operate in a basic Python3 environment, independent of the Docker container. However, users will not be able to monitor the workflow through the Argo UI.

To enable this feature, users can add an additional optional argument -d to the origin submission command, as demonstrated below:

apex submit -d param_relax.json -c global_hpc.json

In this approach, uses are not required to specify an image for executing APEX. Rather, APEX should be pre-installed in the default Python3 environment to ensure proper functioning.