
vim utility to expand by pattern looks like "{add,remove}Item{0..3}"

Primary LanguageVim Script


expand utility

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typical examples:

  • basic expand:

    int n{0..2};
    // after expand by `:ZFExpand`
    int n0;
    int n1;
    int n2;
  • pattern reference expand

    int {a,b,c}{0..2@@};
    // after expand by `:ZFExpand`
    int a0;
    int b1;
    int c2;
  • custom pattern expand

    int n{Fn: let ret = i < 3 ? (i*2+1) : END :Fn};
    // after expand by `:ZFExpand`
    int n1;
    int n3;
    int n5;
  • multiple line expand:

    void <add,remove>Item<0..2>(int item<@@>) {
    // after expand by visual select and `:ZFExpandReversely < >`
    void addItem0(int item0) {
    void removeItem0(int item0) {
    void addItem1(int item1) {
    void removeItem1(int item1) {
    void addItem2(int item2) {
    void removeItem2(int item2) {

inspired from Olical/vim-expand, with these advantages:

  • implemented in pure vim script, support Windows
  • more configurable
  • more pattern expand rule
  • able to add your own rules


  • no shell env support (such as $HOME)

How to use

  1. use Vundle or any other plugin manager is recommended

    Plugin 'ZSaberLv0/ZFVimExpand'
  2. use :ZFExpand or :ZFExpandReversely, in normal mode (expand current line) or visual mode (selected lines)

Pattern rules

  • {2..5} : expand to 2 3 4 5 number sequence

  • {d..a} : expand to d c b a letter sequence

  • {\xAB12..\xAB21} : expand to string sequence accorrding to the HEX value, which would be converted by nr2char(), these token are equivalent: \x \X \u \U

  • {aa,bb,cc} : expand to aa bb cc string sequence

  • {@@} : repeat previous pattern

    • {@@3} : repeat 3rd pattern (index start from 0)
    • {x,y,z@@} : repeat previous pattern, but use the specified x,y,z as item pattern
  • {Fn: let ret = i<len(p[3]) ? p[3][i] : END :Fn} : custom function to supply item

    you must let ret = xxx to specify result item (as string or number type, for each i), or let ret = END to indicate no more item

    predefined vars:

    • reverse : 0/1, whether ZFExpandReversely
    • po : all original pattern including self, e.g. ["2..5", "Fn: let ret = p[3][i] :Fn"]
    • p : all parsed pattern including self, e.g. [[2,3,4,5], function(xxx)]
    • r : pattern ref index list, e.g. [-1, 2, 1]
    • pi : self parttern index in p
    • i : current item loop index
    • END : dummy item that indicates no more item

    you may use | for multiple commands (:h :bar)

    you may append @@N to ref another pattern ({Fn: let ret = i<len(p[3]) ? p[3][i] : END :Fn@@3})

  • {Fn:"YourFunc":Fn} : similar as above, but use function name, YourFunc must take one param, which is a Dict contains params described above, and must return proper values to indicate item loop, for example:

    function! YourFunc(params)
        let i = a:params['i']
        if i >= 10
            return a:params['END']
            return i

    you may append @@N to ref another pattern ({Fn:"YourFunc":Fn@@3})

you may also supply your own pattern rules, see the Config below


" the default pattern tags
let g:ZFExpand_tagL='{'
let g:ZFExpand_tagR='}'

" token to split text
let g:ZFExpand_textSplitToken=','

" token to split range
let g:ZFExpand_rangeSplitToken='..'

" token to repeat previous pattern
let g:ZFExpand_repeatToken='@@'

" when pattern list is not enough, expand to this as default
let g:ZFExpand_noPatternToken=''

" whether auto reindent after expand
let g:ZFExpand_reindent=0

" add your custom item parse rules
" return passed list if success, or empty list or string if unable to parse
" for example
"     {add|remove}User
" your parser would receive this as pattern
"     add|remove
let g:ZFExpand_customItemParser='MyItemParser'
function! MyItemParser(pattern)
    return split(a:pattern, '|')


  • :ZFExpand [tagL, tagR] or :let config = ZFExpand([tagL, tagR])

    tagL and tagR are optional, it's useful if your content contains the tag token, example:

    int n<0..2> = {0,1,2};

    :ZFExpand < > would result:

    int n0 = {0,1,2};
    int n1 = {0,1,2};
    int n2 = {0,1,2};
  • :ZFExpandReversely [tagL, tagR] or :let config = ZFExpand([tagL, tagR])

    same as :ZFExpand but expand items in reverse order