
util to make wildignore and similars more friendly and easier to config

Primary LanguageVim Script


util to make wildignore and similars more friendly and easier to config

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NOTE: by default, this plugin would recognize .gitignore and modify wildignore, which may affect expand() glob() functions see #1 for more info


  1. Install

    Plug 'ZSaberLv0/ZFVimIgnore'
  2. make your plugin or configs adapt to ignore setting

    autocmd User ZFIgnoreOnUpdate let &wildignore = join(ZFIgnoreToWildignore(ZFIgnoreGet()), ',')
    autocmd User ZFIgnoreOnUpdate let g:NERDTreeIgnore = ZFIgnoreToRegexp(ZFIgnoreGet({
            \   'bin' : 0,
            \   'media' : 0,
            \ }))

    by default:

    • some common ignore are added
    • .gitignore under current dir and all parent dirs would be recognized
    • wildignore would be applied automatically
  3. you may add or remove custom ignore at runtime

    :ZFIgnoreAdd *.obj
    :ZFIgnoreRemove build

    supported patterns:

    • see :h wildcards
    • supported: ? * [abc]
    • not supported: ** */

    or completely enable or disable by :ZFIgnoreToggle

Typical config

here are some typical config for other plugins

" vim-easygrep
autocmd User ZFIgnoreOnUpdate let g:EasyGrepFilesToExclude = join(ZFIgnoreToWildignore(ZFIgnoreGet()), ',')

" LeaderF
function! s:ZFIgnore_LeaderF()
    let ignore = ZFIgnoreGet()
    let g:Lf_WildIgnore = {'file' : ignore['file'], 'dir' : ignore['dir']}
autocmd User ZFIgnoreOnUpdate call s:ZFIgnore_LeaderF()

" NERDTree
let g:NERDTreeIgnore = ZFIgnoreToRegexp(ZFIgnoreGet({
        \   'bin' : 0,
        \   'media' : 0,
        \ }))

Ignore options

we have some builtin ignore options, and all of them are enabled by default:

  • bin : binary files (*.dll, *.so, etc) and bin dir

  • common : common files (swap file, build cache, etc)

  • gitignore : according to .gitignore under getcwd() and all parent dir

    • the default .gitignore detect option can be specified by:

      let g:ZFIgnore_ignore_gitignore_detectOption = {
              \   'pattern' : '\.gitignore', // pattern of gitignore file
              \   'path' : '', // find for specified path, can be string or list
              \   'cur' : 1, // find for getcwd()
              \   'parent' : 1, // find in all parents until find one
              \   'parentRecursive' : 1, // find in all parents even if found one
              \   'callback' : function(), // func that return a list of gitignore file
              \ }
  • hidden : hidden files (.*, *?~, ~?*)

  • media : common media files (*.avi, *.jpg, etc)

all currently registered option can be checked and modified by g:ZFIgnoreOptionDefault

you can also supply custom ignore options, see below

For impl to extend ignore options

for impl:

" declare your option and default value
if !exists('g:ZFIgnoreOptionDefault')
    let g:ZFIgnoreOptionDefault = {}
if !exists("g:ZFIgnoreOptionDefault['YourOptionName']")
    let g:ZFIgnoreOptionDefault['YourOptionName'] = 1

" if the ignore item is simple
if !exists('g:ZFIgnoreData')
    let g:ZFIgnoreData = {}
let g:ZFIgnoreData['YourImplName'] = {
        \   'common' : {
        \       'file' : {'*.obj':1, '*.bin':1},
        \       'dir' : {'build':1},
        \   },
        \   'YourOptionName' : {...},
        \ }

" if you want to implement more complex ignore detect at runtime
autocmd User ZFIgnoreOnSetup call YourSetup()
function! YourSetup()
    let g:ZFIgnoreData['YourImplName'] = {
            \   'common' : {
            \       'file' : {'*.obj':1, '*.bin':1},
            \       'dir' : {'build':1},
            \   },
            \   'YourOptionName' : {...},
            \ }

for users:

" access ignore data as usual
let ignore = ZFIgnoreGet()

" or enable/disable by option name
let ignore = ZFIgnoreGet({'YourOptionName' : 1})

" or change default option
let g:ZFIgnoreOptionDefault['YourOptionName'] = 0
let ignore = ZFIgnoreGet()


  • Q: E40: Can't open errorfile

    A: typically occur on Windows only, if you have many ignore items, the final command may be very long (grep for example), which may exceeds Windows' command line limit, see also: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/830473/command-prompt-cmd-exe-command-line-string-limitation

    to resolve this, try use a temp file to store exclude pattern, for example

    • use --exclude-from (for GNU grep only)
  • Q: files or dirs are accidently ignored, how to "ignore" some of ignore?

    A: you may use g:ZFIgnoreFilter to filter the final ignore setting

    function! s:myFilter(ignore)
        let i = len(a:ignore['dir']) - 1
        while i >= 0
            if a:ignore['dir'][i] == '.LfCache'
                call add(a:ignore['dir_filtered'], remove(a:ignore['dir'], i))
            let i -= 1
    if !exists('g:ZFIgnoreFilter')
        let g:ZFIgnoreFilter = {}
    let g:ZFIgnoreFilter['yourModuleName1'] = function('s:myFilter')
    let g:ZFIgnoreFilter['yourModuleName2'] = {
            \   'YourImplName' : {
            \     'file' : {
            \       '*.mp3' : 1,
            \       ...
            \     },
            \     'dir' : {
            \       '.LfCache' : 1,
            \       ...
            \     },
            \   },
            \   'OtherImplName' : {
            \     ...
            \   },
            \ }

    by default, for safety, these items are automatically filtered:

    • cwd and all of it's parent
    • ~
    • special patterns like . or *
    • rtp (:h rtp)

    also, consider use the nosuf argument for expand() glob() and similar functions

  • Q: how to check what pattern has matched?

    A: you may use ZFIgnoreCheck(text, ...) to check matched rules

    " param: {
    "   'option' : {...}, // optional, ZFIgnoreGet option
    "   'ignoreData' : {...}, // optional, use specified ignoreData
    "   'fileRuleOnDir' : 1, // optional, whether apply 'file' rules on dir
    " }
    " return: {
    "   'type' : 'file / dir', // what type of the rule matched
    "   'rule' : 'some_ignore_rule', // what ignore rule matched
    "   'filtered' : 'some_text', // what part of the text matched the rule
    "   'text' : 'some_text', // original text used to match
    " }