
A Scratch project advertisement script

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A Scratch project advertisement script for educational purposes.

Please note that the use of this script may break the Scratch ToS (no spamming) and get you banned.

So if you really need to use it, use it with caution.

How to use: go on a scratch studio that allows anyone to add projects while logged in, and paste the script in to the browser console. It explains the rest.

What does it do?

It cycles through the provided studio & project ids, removing and adding each project to each studio. This causes you projects to always appear first.

How does it work?

It overrides XMLHttpRequest.prototype.setRequestHeader to get your login token. (This means that a modified version of this script could potentially delete your Scratch account and all of its projects.) Then, it sends fetch requests to https://api.scratch.mit.edu/studios/{studioId}/project/{projectId} with either DELETE or POST, while providing the token in a header.

How do I customize it?

Edit the variables at the top of the script.