
Arrangement of widely used time series datasets

An arrangement of widely used time series datasets

Unofficial archive of UCR time series datasets


Datasets Download

类型Type数据集格式Format官方下载地址Official Download网盘下载地址Unofficial Download
单维Univariatearff Univariate Weka formatted ARFF files and .txt files 百度网盘提取码:HQU5
单维Univariatets Univariate sktime formatted ts files 百度网盘提取码:HQU4
单维Univariatetsv UCRArchive_2018 password:someone 百度网盘提取码:HQU3
多维Multivariatearff Multivariate Weka formatted ARFF files (and .txt files) 百度网盘提取码:HQU2
多维Multivariatets Sktime formatted ts files 百度网盘提取码:HQU1


Thanks to Prof.Eamonn Keogh and his team. The UCR archive developed by them can be visited here.
感谢由Eamonn Keogh教授及其团队开发的UCR数据集。这个数据集的相关信息可以在这里看到。

The Numenta Anomaly Benchmark

It is composed of over 50 labeled real-world and artificial timeseries data files plus a novel scoring mechanism designed for real-time applications. Data is available at numenta NAB

Awesome Public Datasets

Data is available at Awesome Public Datasets.

Million song Datasets

A music datasets. Data is available at Million songd Datasets.

National Datasets

Data about Chinese economic. Data is available at 国家数据.


Data about many countries' economic. Data is available at CEIC.


  • There are many time series classification researches here.
    Time series classification这个网站可以看到很多关于时间序列分类研究的信息。
  • Sktime is a library for time series analysis in Python. It provides a unified interface for multiple time series learning tasks.
  • More data sets are available at figshare.