
✨WebRTC - C2C - Real-time cam-2-cam video calls & screen sharing, end-to-end encrypted, to embed in any website with a simple iframe.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

MiroTalk C2C

Free WebRTC Real-Time Cam-2-Cam Video Calls & Screen Sharing, End-to-End Encrypted, to embed in any website with a simple iframe.


For questions, discussions, help & support, join with us on discord

Quick start

Install NodeJs.

# Copy .env.template in .env and edit it if needed
$ cp .env.template .env
# Install dependencies
$ npm install
# Start the server
$ npm start

Open in browser: http://localhost:8080



Install docker and docker-compose.

# Copy .env.template in .env and edit it if needed
$ cp .env.template .env
# Copy docker-compose.template.yml in docker-compose.yml and edit it if needed
$ cp docker-compose.template.yml docker-compose.yml
# Get official image from Docker Hub
$ docker pull mirotalk/c2c:latest
# Create and start containers
$ docker-compose up

Docker official image


To expose MiroTalk C2C in HTTPS from your Local PC, just follow this steps.


To install your own Stun and Turn, just follow this steps and edit it in the .env file.


To self-hosting MiroTalk C2C, just follow this steps.


You can support MiroTalk by becoming a backer or sponsor it.



MiroTalk is free and can be modified and forked. But the conditions of the AGPLv3 (GNU Affero General Public License v3.0) need to be respected. In particular modifications need to be free as well and made available to the public. Get a quick overview of the license at Choose an open source license.

For a MiroTalk license under conditions other than AGPLv3, please contact us at license.mirotalk@gmail.com or purchase directly via CodeCanyon.

Thank you!

MiroTalk P2P

Try also MiroTalk P2P peer to peer real-time video conferences, optimized for small groups. Unlimited time, unlimited rooms each having 5-8 participants.

MiroTalk SFU

Try also MiroTalk SFU selective forwarding unit real-time video conferences, optimized for large groups. Unlimited time, unlimited rooms each having 8+ participants.

MiroTalk WEB

Try also MiroTalk WEB rooms scheduler.