
Team SESO for CSE 110 SP2020

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Alt text

by Team: SESO


MyFridge is an application which provides a user-friendly management system to organize stored food, an intelligent recipe recommendation system to help utilize left-over food, and a smart reminder to help users to reduce food waste.

Team Members:

  • Xiaochen Li - PM
  • Qiyu Chen
  • Bobby Deng
  • Ya Gao
  • Jiarui Han
  • Ziang Hong
  • Yueqi Liao
  • Guanyi Su
  • Yicun Wu
  • Guoguo Zhu

Tech Stack

Front End

  • React
  • Material-UI

Back End

  • Express.js


  • MongoDB


  • Python
  • Selenium with Python

Login Credentials:

Our application allows user to create new Account or log in to existed account, our team provides two account for testing.

Account Password Description
tester1@ucsd.edu 12345 Account with several food in the fridge, tester could check for recipe recommendation, food-waste score board, friend list, and grocery list directly.
tester2@ucsd.edu 8888 Empty account, tester are allow to customize the food they want to put into the fridge. Tester should check recipe recommendation after they added food into the fridge.

Installation and How to Run

This app can be installed by either with this url: http://ec2-52-32-150-175.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com:3000/

Or can be installed locally on the machine.

First, change into desired local directory and run:

git clone https://github.com/ZaHong/myfridge_CSE110.git

Then, cd into the root directory of this git repository and run the following command to install our server end dependency:

cd backend/
npm install
npm start

Then without closing the current terminal, opens another terminal and cd into this application's root directory. Then run the following code to install our client side dependency and start the app

cd frontend/
npm install
npm start

Now, the default website should opened automatically and connect to localhost:3000 for this application

Known Issue:


Except from login and sign up screen, other screens do not perform well enough on mobile display size. Also, frequent clicking a single button before the page be able to process the request would result in poll draining on our Mongo Atlas database.


Tries to refresh the page first, if the problem persists, please go back to the sign in screen on localhost:3000 and sign in with account again.