
An open source cross compilation of DevIL to Flash using Adobe Alchemy

Primary LanguageActionScript

 _____             _____  __  
/ _  / __ _  __ _  \_   \/ /  
\// / / _` |/ _` |  / /\/ /   
 / //\ (_| | (_| /\/ /_/ /___ 

ZaaIL is an open source cross compilation of DevIL to Flash using Adobe Alchemy.

Information for DevIL can be found here: http://openil.sourceforge.net/
DevIL is an LGPL License which can be found here: http://openil.sourceforge.net/license.php

More information on ZaaIL can be found on the ZaaLabs website: http://www.zaalabs.com/tag/zaail/

ZaaIL was ported by Aaron Boushley (@boushley) and Nate Beck (@jnbeck) of ZaaLabs.

Test Images for use with ZaaIL can be found in a separate repository located here: http://github.com/ZaaLabs/ZaaIL-TestImages