
Golang RESTful API that returns info about all pokemons

Primary LanguageGo


GoCatchEm is a RESTful API written in Go. I started this project to learn Golang and get familiar with the tools and libraries offered by the language. Also, I like Pokemons. It doesn't use any framework, just plain old go, the only addition being mux for routing requests.

I intend to use this project as a sandbox to improve my go skills. The following improvements are in the pipeline :

  • Rate Limiting
  • Pagination
  • Logging
  • Return a location header with a URL to the "created resource"
  • Update stats in PUT request (Embedded struct reflection)

The API returns information about all pokemons (name, types, stats etc).

Who's it for ?

Front end developers (React, Angular, Vue crowd) who want to prototype their ideas and want a simple way to fetch data without having to register developer accounts on the major platforms (Like FB, Twitter ...). Or maybe you're developing an HTTP library and want a quick way to make HTTP calls to an external service.


Get all pokemons

  • GET /pokemons

Get pokemon by name

  • GET /pokemons/{name:string}

Get pokemons by type

  • GET /pokemons/type/{type:string}

Get pokemons by generation

  • GET /pokemons/generation/{generation:int}

Note: the following endpoints will simulate insertion, update and deletion but the changes won't be persisted to the database

Add a new pokemon

  • POST /pokemons

Request body must contain (in JSON format):

    "name": type string,
    "jp_name": type string,
    "types": type string (comma separated),
    "stats": {,
        "hp" type int,
        "attack" type int,
        "defense" type int,
        "sp_attack" type int,
        "sp_defense" type int,
        "speed" type int,
    "bio": type string,
    "generation": type int

Update a pokemon

  • PUT /pokemons/{name}

Request body must contain any of the following (in JSON format):

    "name": type string,
    "jp_name": type string,
    "types": type string (comma separated),
    "stats": {,
        "hp" type int,
        "attack" type int,
        "defense" type int,
        "sp_attack" type int,
        "sp_defense" type int,
        "speed" type int,
    "bio": type string,
    "generation": type int

Delete a pokemon

  • DELETE /pokemons/{name}


All contributions, remarks and comments are welcome ! Just open an Issue or Initiate a PR and we'll look into it 😄