GoCatchEm is a RESTful API written in Go. I started this project to learn Golang and get familiar with the tools and libraries offered by the language. Also, I like Pokemons. It doesn't use any framework, just plain old go, the only addition being mux for routing requests.
I intend to use this project as a sandbox to improve my go skills. The following improvements are in the pipeline :
- Rate Limiting
- Pagination
- Logging
- Return a location header with a URL to the "created resource"
- Update stats in PUT request (Embedded struct reflection)
The API returns information about all pokemons (name, types, stats etc).
Front end developers (React, Angular, Vue crowd) who want to prototype their ideas and want a simple way to fetch data without having to register developer accounts on the major platforms (Like FB, Twitter ...). Or maybe you're developing an HTTP library and want a quick way to make HTTP calls to an external service.
Get all pokemons
Get pokemon by name
Get pokemons by type
Get pokemons by generation
Note: the following endpoints will simulate insertion, update and deletion but the changes won't be persisted to the database
Add a new pokemon
Request body must contain (in JSON format):
"name": type string,
"jp_name": type string,
"types": type string (comma separated),
"stats": {,
"hp" type int,
"attack" type int,
"defense" type int,
"sp_attack" type int,
"sp_defense" type int,
"speed" type int,
"bio": type string,
"generation": type int
Update a pokemon
Request body must contain any of the following (in JSON format):
"name": type string,
"jp_name": type string,
"types": type string (comma separated),
"stats": {,
"hp" type int,
"attack" type int,
"defense" type int,
"sp_attack" type int,
"sp_defense" type int,
"speed" type int,
"bio": type string,
"generation": type int
Delete a pokemon
All contributions, remarks and comments are welcome ! Just open an Issue or Initiate a PR and we'll look into it 😄