
A simple python script that fetches tweets from a google spreadsheet and shares them on twitter.

Primary LanguagePython


Installation Instructions

  1. (Optional but recommended) Create a virtual environment.
virtualenv -p python3 ENV__neko

source /path/to/projects/ENV__neko/bin.activate(.fish) # if you're using fish as a shell
  1. Install dependencies
# Inside the project folder, run the following command:

pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Go grab your twitter api keys.

  2. Open up sample_neko.sh and populate the corresponding variables.

  3. Get your Google Sheets OAuth Credentials from the Google Developer Console.

  4. Save them at the top level of the project and rename the file client_secret.json.

  5. Rename sample_neko.sh to neko.sh

mv sample_neko.sh neko.sh
  1. Make the file executable
sudo chmod +x neko.sh
  1. Run the script (if you created a virtualenv, please make sure that it's activated).

  2. Enjoy life.