is a project that I started to help aggregate python related jobs(Not exclusive to web development) I based my idea on the simple observation that it was somewhat difficult to find a python job, and I feel like creating a central hub for both companies and developers would alleviate that frustration. Personally, I tackled this project because I wanted to gain a deeper knowledge of Flask. My goals were very specific:
- Learn how to design a REST API in python (using the best practices)
- Learn how to create and run unit tests (which I had never done before 😳)
- Learn postgreSQL and sqlAlchemy (I only had experience with MongoDB, mySQL and SQLite)
- Learn how to modularise a web project in python with the use of Flask Blueprints
- Learn how to implement a 'Sign up with your email' functionality (including confirmation handling)
- Learn how to use some of the more advanced features of python like decorators
- Learn how to serve and deploy a flask / python app to a linux server and many more.
Overall it was a very rewarding experience because it also enabled me to discover the world of server administration and linux (both of which I really enjoy). It allowed me to play and experiment with tools like nginx, gunicorn, upstart (I learned about linux runlevels, vagrant, port forwarding, users/groups and file permissions, threading and all kinds of cool stuff). And I also got to solidify my knowledge of python's core feature (namely packages, modules and how they work under the hood)
The idea is extremely basic, nothing that will revolutionise job applications on the web. Companies can sign up for an account and publish jobs, which will be displayed in a nice looking interface where users will be able to filter them based on contract type.
There are 5 different contract types: Full Time, Part Time, Contract, Internship and Remote.
Users can then access job ads and apply using the email address provided by the companies.
It will take the form of a simple clickable link with a mailto
This is a project that I devoted a lot of time to and I still am motivated to finish it. However I can't afford to work on it full time anymore so if any of you reading this wish to contribute and offer some help in the form of pull requests, you are more than welcome to do so.
I'm always keen on learning from more experienced developers and if you can teach a young passionate dev some cool tricks and techniques don't hold back ! 😄
Ideally, the only thing I ask when making a contribution is to give an explanation as to why the solution you're proposing is better (not because I have a massive ego, but by pure curiosity)
When downloading the project, you will need to create a virtual environment as this project was developed using python 3.4.3.
To do so you will need to navigate inside the project's directory and issue the following command:
virtualenv -p python3 .
this will create a virtual environment in the current folder.
To activate the virtualenv just run:
source bin/activate
The next step will be to download the project's dependencies, to do so just quickly run:
pip install -r requirements.txt
you can then either issue:
which will run a server on your localhost at port 5000.
Or you can replicate my setup by following this tutorial.
Rename the
file found inside the pythonista
package to
add your info and credentials to it.
If you chose to follow the tutorial linked above, to launch the server you simply have to call
sudo start pythonista
and the server should be running.
To view the site, open your browser and visit the url (or ip address) attached to your server.
To run the tests just call
python test
The migrations are handled in three steps.
First, initialise the migrations
python db init
Then run the migrations
python db migrate
and finally, upgrade the DB
python db upgrade
- Create a reset password functionality
- Create a front end using a framework of your choice
- Refactor the tests
- Test email confirmation functionality
- Decorate /api/confirm/token with ogin required
- Refactor serialise_json decorator
- Check that the company (user) is confirmed before letting them log in
/register GET
/login GET
/login POST
/logout POST
/api/companies GET
/api/companies POST
/api/companies/<id> GET
/api/companies/<id> PUT
/api/companies/<id>/jobs GET
/api/jobs GET
/api/jobs POST
/api/jobs/<id> GET
/api/jobs/<id> PUT
/api/jobs/<contract_type> GET
*contract types include full-time / part-time / internship / contract / remote*
All helper functions and methods are commented
Tests are run using the unittest standard library (feel free to use the tool of your choice)
- Profile pictures for companies
- Allow users to apply within the site