
Steam Profile Switching application allows the user to preset profiles (Steam Name, Bio, Avatar) these profiles can then be switched to instead of requiring the manual change of each field in Steam.

Primary LanguagePython

Desktop app to facilitate switching profiles

This project is purely an automation tool.

Work in progress project.

Currently the goal is to produce a desktop application in python that allows the user to store multiple profiles,.
Each profile is a name, bio and avatar.
Do not mistake a profile for an account, although this system is still built to work with multiple accounts, it works on the basis of one logged in at any given time.

These profiles can then be switched easily. To achieve this functionality a reverse engineered version of Steam's login system was required.

More updates and info soon.

Instructions to get going:

Install Python 3 (Tested with 3.7 currently)
Run setup.py (or manually download required dependencies such as Tkinter, Js2py)
Run main.py - Tkinter GUI should now appear
Login with your Steam details (Top left button)
Create, Edit, Upload and switch profiles as you wish

Quick Progress List:

  • MVC base structure implemented
  • Create profile functionality
  • Delete profile functionality
  • GUI to support our features
  • Revese engineered Steam login
  • Improve login time (30secs is way too long)
  • Convert login to a background process - ended up being a thread
  • Use the return result of the login
  • Potentially implement a login on load feature (requires storing the password locally stores required cookies (steamMachineAuth etc...)
  • Stay logged in implementation
  • Help content to be written
  • Merge old config window functionality
  • Fix profile details image display
  • Test captcha image display
  • Log out functionality (Research and implement) Wipe config file
  • Switch Profile functionality needs to be implemented and triggered by the button
  • Pause or prevent inputs and extra login buttons presses while login is taking place
  • Convert old config window checking to suit the extra values stored
  • Save the username to the config file
  • Get current steam profile and save it locally
  • Check login function may need changing to support using the cookies instead of a full login
  • Login alert window creation when needed
  • Clean and Optimize (reocurring process)
  • Convert project to launch properly on main.py run
  • Add dependecies error checking
  • Package and create installer