
Terrible reflection hacks around classloaders in Android. Sample app from a talk given at Droidcon NYC 2018.


Core project is blackmirror, which has the BlackMirror classloader implementation and some other utilities for working with classloaders and dex files


  • app - The main sample app
  • neighbor - A simple sibling app with some simple code, used as the target for the main app to run code out of.
  • initprovider:simple - demonstrating automatic initialization via init provider (before Application#onCreate())
  • initprovider:pluginized - demonstrating automatic initialization via pluginized init provider (before Application#onCreate())
  • samples:logging - Simple logging of class loading via Timber
  • samples:timing - Simple timing of class loading, reported via Timber
  • samples:swapper - Different examples of trying to swap what classes are loaded. Does not work for different reasons
  • samples:hello - Simple Hello interface with a sayHello method. Used in the next two samples
  • samples:assets - Example loading dex files from assets, in this case Hello impls
  • samples:resources - Example loading dex files from resources, in this case Hello impls
  • samples:spy - Examples for reading other apps' dex files and running other apps' code