A plugin for generating BuildConstants for any kind of Gradle projects: Java, Kotlin, Android, Groovy, etc. Designed for KTS scripts, with experimental support for Kotlin's multi-platform plugin
On your build.gradle.kts
plugins {
id("org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm") version embeddedKotlinVersion
id("com.github.gmazzo.buildconfig") version <current version>
buildConfig {
buildConfigField("String", "APP_NAME", "\"${project.name}\"")
buildConfigField("String", "APP_VERSION", provider { "\"${project.version}\"" })
buildConfigField("String", "APP_SECRET", "\"Z3JhZGxlLWphdmEtYnVpbGRjb25maWctcGx1Z2lu\"")
buildConfigField("long", "BUILD_TIME", "${System.currentTimeMillis()}L")
buildConfigField("boolean", "FEATURE_ENABLED", "${true}")
buildConfigField("IntArray", "MAGIC_NUMBERS", "intArrayOf(1, 2, 3, 4)")
buildConfigField("com.github.gmazzo.SomeData", "MY_DATA", "new SomeData(\"a\",1)")
Will generate BuildConfig.kt
object BuildConfig {
const val APP_NAME: String = "example-kts"
const val APP_VERSION: String = "0.0.1"
const val APP_SECRET: String = "Z3JhZGxlLWphdmEtYnVpbGRjb25maWctcGx1Z2lu"
const val BUILD_TIME: Long = 1551108377126L
const val FEATURE_ENABLED: Boolean = true
val MAGIC_NUMBERS: IntArray = intArrayOf(1, 2, 3, 4)
val MY_DATA: SomeData = SomeData("a",1)
val RESOURCE_CONFIG_LOCAL_PROPERTIES: File = File("config/local.properties")
val RESOURCE_CONFIG_PROD_PROPERTIES: File = File("config/prod.properties")
val RESOURCE_FILE2_JSON: File = File("file2.json")
val RESOURCE_FILE1_JSON: File = File("file1.json")
On your build.gradle
plugins {
id 'java'
id 'com.github.gmazzo.buildconfig' version <current version>
buildConfig {
buildConfigField('String', 'APP_NAME', "\"${project.name}\"")
buildConfigField('String', 'APP_VERSION', provider { "\"${project.version}\"" })
buildConfigField('String', 'APP_SECRET', "\"Z3JhZGxlLWphdmEtYnVpbGRjb25maWctcGx1Z2lu\"")
buildConfigField('long', 'BUILD_TIME', "${System.currentTimeMillis()}L")
buildConfigField('boolean', 'FEATURE_ENABLED', "${true}")
buildConfigField('int[]', 'MAGIC_NUMBERS', '{1, 2, 3, 4}')
buildConfigField("com.github.gmazzo.SomeData", "MY_DATA", "new SomeData(\"a\",1)")
Will generate BuildConfig.java
public final class BuildConfig {
public static final String APP_NAME = "example-groovy";
public static final String APP_VERSION = "0.0.1";
public static final String APP_SECRET = "Z3JhZGxlLWphdmEtYnVpbGRjb25maWctcGx1Z2lu";
public static final long BUILD_TIME = 1550999393550L;
public static final boolean FEATURE_ENABLED = true;
public static final int[] MAGIC_NUMBERS = {1, 2, 3, 4};
public static final SomeData MY_DATA = new SomeData("a", 1);
private BuildConfig() {
If you add in your build.gradle.kts
buildConfig {
className("MyConfig") // forces the class name. Defaults to 'BuildConfig'
packageName("com.foo") // forces the package. Defaults to '${project.group}'
useJavaOutput() // forces the outputType to 'java'
useKotlinOutput() // forces the outputType to 'kotlin', generating an `object`
useKotlinOutput { topLevelConstants = true } // forces the outputType to 'kotlin', generating top-level declarations
useKotlinOutput { internalVisibility = true } // adds `internal` modifier to all declarations
Will generate com.foo.MyConfig
in a MyConfig.java
Sometimes one generated does not fits your needs or code style. You may add multiple classes with the following syntax:
buildConfig {
buildConfigField("String", "FIELD1", "\"field1\"")
forClass("OtherClass") {
buildConfigField("String", "FIELD2", "\"field2\"")
forClass(packageName = "", className = "RootConfig") {
buildConfigField("String", "FIELD3", "\"field3\"")
Will generate the files:
(in the root package)
On your build.gradle.kts
buildConfig {
useKotlinOutput { topLevelConstants = true }
buildConfigField("String", "APP_NAME", "\"${project.name}\"")
buildConfigField("String", "APP_VERSION", "\"0.0.1\"")
Will generate BuildConfig.kt
const val APP_NAME: String = "example-kts"
const val APP_VERSION: String = "0.0.1"
On your build.gradle.kts
buildConfig {
documentation.set("Generated by BuildConfig plugin")
applies independently for each generated class
In some cases, such as embedded public certs, your build config values may exceed 100 characters in length and will become subject to line wrapping by the Kotlin Poet output. If you need to workaround this behavior, you can explicitly control or prevent line wrapping by replacing spaces with a ·
val alphabet = (65..90)
.map { it.toChar() }
.joinToString(separator = ",·")
buildConfigField("String", "Example", "\"$alphabet\"")
will generate BuildConfig.kt
object BuildConfig {
const val Example: String =
"A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z"
If you add in your build.gradle.kts
buildConfig {
sourceSets.getByName("test") {
buildConfigField("String", "TEST_CONSTANT", "\"aTestValue\"")
Will generate in TestBuildConfig.kt
object TestBuildConfig {
const val TEST_CONSTANT: String = "aTestValue"
sourceSets {
test {
buildConfig {
buildConfigField('String', 'TEST_CONSTANT', '"aTestValue"')
Assuming you have the following structure:
- src
- main
- resources
- config
- local.properties
- prod.properties
- file1.json
- file1.json
If you add in your build.gradle.kts
val buildResources = buildConfig.forClass("BuildResources")
val generateResourcesConstants by tasks.regitering {
val resources = sourceSets["main"].resources.asFileTree
doFirst {
resources.visit(Action<FileVisitDetails> {
val name = path.toUpperCase().replace("\\W".toRegex(), "_")
buildResources.buildConfigField("java.io.File", name, "File(\"$path\")")
tasks.generateBuildConfig {
Will generate in BuildResources.kt
object BuildResources {
val CONFIG_LOCAL_PROPERTIES: File = File("config/local.properties")
val CONFIG_PROD_PROPERTIES: File = File("config/prod.properties")
val FILE1_JSON: File = File("file1.json")
val FILE2_JSON: File = File("file2.json")
def buildResources = buildConfig.forClass("BuildResources")
def generateResourcesConstants = tasks.register("generateResourcesConstants") {
def resources = sourceSets["main"].resources.asFileTree
doFirst {
resources.visit { file ->
def name = file.path.toUpperCase().replaceAll("\\W", "_")
buildResources.buildConfigField("java.io.File", name, "new File(\"$file.path\")")
tasks.generateBuildConfig {
Will generate in BuildResources.java
public static final File CONFIG_LOCAL_PROPERTIES = new File("config/local.properties");
public static final File CONFIG_PROD_PROPERTIES = new File("config/prod.properties");
public static final File FILE2_JSON = new File("file2.json");
public static final File FILE1_JSON = new File("file1.json");