
A Docker for Space Engineers Dedicated Server

Primary LanguageShell

Space Engineers Dedicated Debian Docker Container

First of all thanks to 7thCore and mmmaxwwwell for their great prework making a linux dedicated server for Space Engineers real!

I took parts of their projects to create this one (see credits)


I wanted to have a more cleaner docker container with less dependencies (integrate sesrv-script parts instead of wget the whole script) and a little more configuration through composer files.


Key Value
OS Debian 11 (Bullseye)
Wine 6.0.2~bullseye-1
Docker size ~4.6GB uncompressed
Build Time ~ 7-8 Minutes

How to use

First you have to use the Space Engineers Dedicated Server Tool to setup your world.

(detailed instructions follow when requested)

After you have saved your world upload it (the instance directory) to your docker host machine /appdata/space-engineers/instances/.

Using docker-compose with premade docker image

Create a docker-compose.yml (see example below) and execute docker-compose up -d

Do not forget to rename TestInstance with your instance name!

example composer file (just copy and adjust)

version: "3.8"

    image: devidian/spaceengineers
    # if you want to run multiple servers you will have to change container_name and published ports
    container_name: se-ds-docker
    restart: unless-stopped
      # left side: your docker-host machine
      # right side: the paths in the image (!!do not change!!)
      - /appdata/space-engineers/instances:/appdata/space-engineers/instances
      - /appdata/space-engineers/SpaceEngineersDedicated:/appdata/space-engineers/SpaceEngineersDedicated
      - /appdata/space-engineers/steamcmd:/root/.steam
      - target: 8080
        published: 18080
        protocol: tcp
        mode: host
      - target: 27016
        published: 27016
        protocol: udp
        mode: host
      - WINEDEBUG=-all
      # change TestInstance to your instance name
      - INSTANCE_NAME=TestInstance

Build the image yourself from source

Download this repository and run docker-compose up -d

Use the docker image as source for your own image

If you want to extend the image create a Dockerfile and use FROM devidian/spaceengineers:latest


Can i run mods?

Yes as they are saved in your world, the server will download them on the first start.

Can i contribute?

Sure, feel free to submit merge requests or issues if you have anything to improve this project. If you just have a question, use Github Discussions.


User repo what (s)he did for this project
mmmaxwwwell https://github.com/mmmaxwwwell/space-engineers-dedicated-docker-linux downgrading for dotnet48
7thCore https://github.com/7thCore/sesrv-script installer bash script
Diego Lucas Jimenez - Improved Dockerfile

Known issues

  • VRage Remote Client
    • I personally could not manage to connect with te remote client, if anyone gets a connection please tell me (and maybe how you fixed it)
  • Error: No IP assigned.
    • This is an issue in the official dedicated server files that can only be fixed by keen see this issue