Introduction to F2


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F2 is a powerful mobile data visualization solution, pure in javascript. F2 is based on the grammar of graphics, and it is light-weighted, high-performance and easily expandable. Also, F2 charts are well designed for mobile.

TODO: website and demos' page

TODO: show some charts images here

Special thanks to Leland Wilkinson, the author of The Grammar Of Graphics, whose book served as the foundation for F2 and G2.


  • Elegant user experience: Designed for mobile experience
  • Flexible: Customizable shapes and animations, flexible charting components, infinite creativity
  • High performance: F2 pursues the ultimate performance for drawing, lots of optimization have been done for mobile devices
  • Light-weighed: F2 maintains a compact code size while supporting more than 45 kinds of charts

Other runtime support


$ npm install @antv/f2

Getting Started

<canvas id="c1"></canvas>
import F2 from '@antv/f2';

const data = [
  { year: '1951', sales: 38 },
  { year: '1952', sales: 52 },
  { year: '1956', sales: 61 },
  { year: '1957', sales: 145 },
  { year: '1958', sales: 48 },
  { year: '1959', sales: 38 },
  { year: '1960', sales: 38 },
  { year: '1962', sales: 38 },
const chart = new F2.Chart({
  id: 'mountNode',
  width: 375,
  height: 265,
  pixelRatio: window.devicePixelRatio


$ npm install

# run test case
$ npm run test-live

# build watching file changes and run demos
$ npm run dev

# run demos
$ npm run demos

# run pack
$ npm run bundler

How to Contribute

Please let us know how can we help. Do check out issues for bug reports or suggestions first.

To become a contributor, please follow our contributing guide.


MIT license.