
TDD Tic Tac Toe for the terminal.

Primary LanguageRuby


A simple Ruby tictactoe game.

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository
  2. cd into tictactoe
  3. Run bundle install
  4. Run rspec to run the unit tests
  5. Run ruby lib/main.rb to play the game!

The Files

There are 5 files inside the old/lib folder which constituted the original approach:

  • board.rb - static class for printing out the board
  • gamestate.rb - holds the GameState class, which contains the game's state and APIs to mutate the data
  • gamemanager.rb - primary class of the application, containing logic that I should break up a bit more and a GameState object
  • referee.rb - class for determining if there's a winner
  • tictactoe.rb - the entrypoint for the application

The current test-driven version also has 5 files:

  • board.rb - A class containing a string literal of what the board looks like with methods to display and update that value
  • gamemanager.rb - A class managing the main game loop and consuming most the other code
  • main.rb - The entrypoint for the application
  • move.rb - A class serving as a plain old Ruby object to store player data on a move
  • referee.rb - A class who's primary purpose is to store the move data and determine a winner when necessary