
Primary LanguagePython

State Travel Hotel Stays

Data enrichment for State of Utah Travel hotel stay data.

Project Info

Hotel stay data is provided on a quarterly basis. It is loaded as a Sheet to a shared source data Google Drive folder.

Run steps

  1. Hotel stay sheet must be downloaded as a csv.
  2. Path to stay csv is provided when running perdiem.py
  3. perdiem.py will produce output csv with federal and state perdiem hotel rates added.
  4. Output csv must be loaded to results Drive folder
    • Convert csv to Google sheet if it was not converted automatically.
  5. Confirm ARRAYFORMULA's in first row have evaluated.
    • The formulas may need to be deleted from the cell and re-added to evaluate :man-shrugging:.
  6. Email interested parties to notify results are ready.

Yearly Process Update

Every new Utah fiscal year Travel produces new Utah per diem rates. They will be provided by State Travel and must replace utah_rates.csv