SoCoGa // Sonos Controller for Google Home
SoCoGa (Sonos Controller + Google Assistant) is a Python script that to allows you to control Sonos speakers with basic voice commands from your Google Home. It is based on the open source SoCo project and works in conjunction with Google Assistant (Google Home), IFTTT, and Dropbox.
IFTTT applets
Current working applets (Note: the word "set" is a GA override so alternative verbs must be used):
- Volume: "turn Sonos volume to #"
- File name syntax: "volume.#.txt"
- Toggle speech enhancement
- Toggle night Mode
SoCoGa requires a Python script to run continuously on the same local network as the Sonos you would like to control. I recommend using a Home Assistant automation running on an ethernet connected Raspberry Pi, but theoretically this will work on any device that can run Python.
This process takes about 20 minutes so buckle up!
Setup Dropbox
First you will need to create a personal dropbox app by signing up at Sign up using the following steps:
- Click "Create app"
- Select "Dropbox Api"
- Select "App Folder"
- Enter a name your personal app - the name doesn't matter but will be used as the [dropbox-app-name] variable in the IFTTT applet.
Next, generate a personal token by following the instructions here which you will need to paste in for the [dropbox-token] in config.txt (covered shortly).
Now add one of the applets listed above to your IFTTT account. Once you have connected your dropbox account, edit the applet so that the file path matches your [dropbox-app-name]. E.g. "Apps/SoCoGa"
Setup the Python Script
Once your apps are setup, its time to setup your device that will run the script.
On your unix device, install SoCo:
pip install soco
pip install requests
Install dropbox on the device (you may need to reboot after this point):
pip install dropbox
Finally, setup the script:
Using your preferred method, the script should run continuously at a set interval on your device, I've found 3 second intervals works just fine.
Create your config file from the template (or just hard-code your token into the script):
cp config.txt.example config.txt
sudo nano config.txt
Replace [dropbox-token] with your generated dropbox token you created above.
[socoga config]
dropbox-token = [dropbox-token]
platform = sonos
Confirm that your configFilePath
in is pointing to the absolute location for config.txt as well.
configFilePath = '/home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/SoCoGa/config.txt'
At this point, if you chose to use Home Assistant, you can can setup an automation by following the install instructions here, then cloning this repo into the main /.homeassisant/ directory, and lastly adding the following automation to your configuration.yaml file:
alias: "socoga script"
socoga: "python /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/SoCoGa/"
alias: "Set Sonos volume from Google Home"
initial_state: True
hide_entity: False
platform: time
seconds: /3
service: shell_command.socoga
If everything worked correctly your Home Assistant interface should look like this:
Congratulations, you should now have the script up and running on your local network. Try saying "Hey Google, turn the Sonos volume to 50" to test it out.
This project was put together after about a day of hacking, if there is a feature you would like, something you think might be more efficient, or even if you just have an edit for this readme - pull requests are very welcomed.
SoCoGa is released under the MIT license.
SoCoGa includes code from SoCo, which is licensed under the MIT license.