
A boilerplate for creating web pages quickly with bootstrap 4 and webpack 4

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bootpack is a boilerplate template to create multi-page websites using bootstrap for development and webpack for task running. View the latest version at https://bootpack.github.io/bootpack/.

Bootstrap + Webpack = ♥

  • Just Develop: 4 steps to get started. Launch a dev server with live reloading.
  • Pre-Configured: A pre-configured webpack config simplifies overcomplicated build processes.
  • Predictable File Output: Keep your CSS where you want it; out of your JavaScript files! The dist directory will closely match the src directory.
  • Minified Files: JavaScript and CSS is minified and output as single files.
  • Compressed Resources: JS, CSS, fonts, images and favicons are gzipped for maximum compression.
  • Dev and Production Builds: Build the project in development mode with sourcemapping enabled or production mode.
  • Development Tools: Generate & compress images + more tools to ease web development.
  • Built-In Tests: Lint JavaScript and CSS files with one command.

Table of Contents

Getting Started


Use bootpack as a template (Option 1)

Using bootpack as template is the recommended method.

  1. To get started, click the "Use this template" button at the top of this repository.
    Use this template button

  2. After clicking the "Use this template" button, you will be asked to enter a name for a new repostiory. This repository will be generated with all of the bootpack repository’s files and folders.

  3. Next, simply perform the following commands in your terminal to get started, replacing [USERNAME]/[REPOSITORY_NAME] with the location and repository names you chose in the previous step.

git clone https://github.com/[USERNAME]/[REPOSITORY_NAME].git
npm install
npm run build
npm start

Fork/Clone bootpack (Option 2)

bootpack can also be forked into your own repository and cloned or cloned directly using the following commands.

git clone https://github.com/bootpack/bootpack.git
npm install
npm run build
npm start
  • Navigate to http://localhost:8080 in a browser.
  • Save a file in the project to refresh the browser.
  • Press ctrl+c in the terminal to stop serving.



npm run build - Creates the project in production mode (minified) and outputs to the dist directory.
npm run watch - Creates the project in development mode (unminified). This mode watches for changes and outputs to the dist directory.
npm start - Creates the project in development mode (unminified). This mode watches for changes, outputs to the dist directory and live reloades the page.


npm run test - Runs lint tests (+ additional unit and e2e tests can be added here as needed)
npm run lint - Runs npm run lint:js and npm run lint:styles
npm run lint:js - Runs eslint test on src/*/*.js files
npm run lint:css - Runs stylelint test on src/css/*.css files
npm run lint:scss - Runs stylelint test on src/scss/*.scss files
npm run lint:styles - Runs npm run lint:css and npm run lint:scss


npm run compress:images

  • Optimizes images in the images directory, saves original images to images-original.
  • Run before building or during watch. Only the images directory will be copied to the dist directory.
  • Edit tools/image-compress.js to change the image compress. See: https://www.npmjs.com/package/compress-images for settings

npm run generate:images width ### height ###

  • Creates a placeholder.jpg image in the images directory
  • Replace ### with a numeric value representing wwidth and height. If no width/height is specified, the placeholder will default to 800px x 600px.


Webpack 4

Webpack: Builds

The webpack build creates a dist directory that closely mimics the src directory.

  • In production mode, the dist directory contains files that are minified & compressed.
  • In development mode, files are kept unminified with sourcemapping turned on as needed & no compression output.
  • Webpack server is available to speed up development via live browser refreshes on code change while preserving the ability to inspect the dist directory.

The src directory contains starter files to get your project off the ground quickly.

Webpack: Process

The webpack task runner builds the site with the following commands:

  • npm run build will build production.
  • npm run watch builds development mode and watches for file changes.
  • npm start builds development mode, watches for file changes, opens the browser and refreshes when files change.
  1. The dist directory is cleaned on first built or modified on change (npm start or npm run watch).
  2. src/**/*.html is copied to dist/**/*.html
  3. Favicons are generated and injected into the dist index.html file from the src/favicon.png file.
  4. Bootstrap components are imported into the index.js and output to dist/index.js.
  5. CSS/SCSS files in src/css/ and src/scss/ are bundled together, minified and output to dist/styles.css.
  6. Images and fonts are copied from src/images -> dist/images and src/fonts -> dist/fonts.
  7. Files are compressed with gzip compression.

Bootstrap 4

Bootstrap: SCSS Files

Bootstrap 4 is imported into scss/boostrap.scss via @import "~bootstrap/scss/*bootstrap*"; import rules. Optional components can be excluded by commenting out the @import rules in this file (recommended to minimize bundle size).

SCSS/CSS Overrides & Custom Styles:
  • scss/variables.scss is included to override all of bootstrap's built in variables.
  • scss/custom.scss is included to add custom scss to the project.
  • css/custom.css is included to add custom css to the project.
  • css/fonts.css is included to import local fonts into the project. Open Sans has been included as an example.

Bootstrap: JS Files

Bootstap 4 is imported in the index.js file via bootstrap.bundle which contains the full bootstrap JavaScript plus the popper.js tooltip dependency. Below the bootstrap.bundle import, comments contain other methods to import bootstrap. End-users may choose to import bootstrap.bundle, bootstrap, or individual components (recommended to minimize bundle size).

File Structure

src file structure


dist file structure

/* All files compressed, minified & gzipped */


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