
Old portfolio website with custom Contentful API functionality built out along with email marketing functionality built in.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Previous blog/portfolio Site for www.ZachTippit.com

Welcome! This is the public repo for my portfolio site. It is deployed through Netlify on CI.

Check it out at ZachTippit.com

Tech Used

The website was built from scratch using React and Material UI on the front-end. React-router-dom is used for routing. ConvertKit is used for subscriptions, SendGrid for email comms and Contentful as a headless CMS!


Just a brief overview of what content you can find on the site!

  • Home: Main landing page, hosts articles, sign up form and quicklinks
  • About: Self-explanatory
  • Articles: Routing page for different published articles
  • Reading List: WIP page to share content that I've found inspiring!
  • Contact: Sign up form either sending a convertkit sign up or Twilio email to me personally.

Future Inclusions

At least as of 1/9/22

Here are just a few things on the radar

  • Adding analytics
  • Random post button: click on it to go to a random post!
  • Anthology page -- basically an overview router for grouped posts
  • Search functionality across articles
  • Formatting some stuff! The site is getting there but it isn't quite to the polished standard that I'd prefer
  • Full accessibility implementation