The steps for this challenge are broken out into the following sections:
- Import Ethereum Transaction Functions into the Fintech Finder Application
- Sign and Execute a Payment Transaction
- Inspect the Transaction on Etherscan
Below is achomplished in this file:
- Generate a new Ethereum account instance by using your mnemonic seed phrase (which you created earlier in the module).
- Fetch and display the account balance associated with your Ethereum account address.
- Calculate the total value of an Ethereum transaction, including the gas estimate, that pays a Fintech Finder candidate for their work.
- Digitally sign a transaction that pays a Fintech Finder candidate, and send this transaction to the Kovan testnet.
- Review the transaction hash code associated with the validated blockchain transaction.
This project leverages python 3.7.9 with the following packages: - A Python library for connecting to and performing operations on Ethereum-based blockchains Infura API - An API that provides instant access to the Ethereum network Streamlit - A platform to quickly share python code over the web bip44 - bulding wallets from a seed phrase based on the BIP-44 standard mnemonic - Generate a 12- or 24-word mnemonic seed phrase based on the BIP-39 standard
To use the notebook:
- Clone the repo
- Run jupter lab git bash to see code
- in git bash run the following command "streamlit run" to launch app
Video 1: Displays the userguide of the app
Video 2: Displays the etherscan transaction
Zach Zwiener
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