This notebook collects and analyzes housing data (price per square foot and gross rent price by neighborhood) from SFO between 2010-2016.
Below are the four steps that will be performed in this notebook:
- Calculate and Plot the Average Sale Prices per Square Foot and the Avg. Gross Rent
- Compare the Average Sale Prices by Neighborhood
- Build an Interactive Neighborhood Map
- Identify neighborhoods with best potential ROI
- This project leverages python version 3.8.5
- python dotenv Library
- Alpaca SDK
- Request Library
- JSON Library
- Project will be accomplished in JupyterLab
- On the terminal (Git Bash) under the conda dev environment, type the code below: pip install python-dotenv
- On the terminal (Git Bash) under the conda dev environment, type the code below: pip install alpaca-trade-api
- On the terminal (Git Bash) under the conda dev environment, type the code below: conda install -c anaconda requests
- On the terminal (Git Bash) under the conda dev environment, type the code below: conda install -c jmcmurray json
Installing Jupyter notebook
- On the terminal (Git Bash) under the conda dev environment, type the code below:
pip install jupyterlab
- To open the Jupyter notebook Open a new Git Bash and type the below command into your conda dev environment:
jupyter lab
- then hit the ENTER key to run
- pandas - data manipulation and analysis
- Path from pathlib - import CSV files
- %matplotlib inline - assist in building plots and visuals
- hvPlot - enables interactive plotting tools such as line and bar graphs
- os - portable way of using operating system dependent functionality
- PyVizlot - Visualization package that provides a single platform for accessing multiple visualization libraries
- json - convert the python dictionary from the API into a JSON string that can be written into a file
- from dotenv import load_dotenv - reads key-value pairs from a .env file and can set them as environment variables
- MAPBOX API - This is used to get API data for the data. The user needs to register for personal account and save their own keys
- - data visualization for figure generation
- import os
- import pandas as pd
- import as px
- import hvplot.pandas
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- from pathlib import Path
- from dotenv import load_dotenv
To use the JupyterLab notebook clone the repo and run git bash, open notebook san_francisco_housing.ipynb and create a new .env file that holds your MAPBOX API key
Zach Zwiener
Email -