
MPI Bully Algorithm for my CS420 Distributed Systems Exam

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MPI Bully Algorithm for my CS420 Distributed Systems Exam

This was one of our midterm exam questions. We were to implement a bully algorithm with Open MPI.

Exam Requirements


We talked about leader election being an important problem in distributed systems. In this assignment, we will implement a simplified version of the Bully Algorithm for the leader election problemin distributed systems. The algorithm that you need to implement will be as follows:

1 .)

Consider a distributed system of ‘n’ nodes arranged in the form of a ring. One of the nodes is designated as the current_leader at the time of MPI initialization. Your code should have the provision for changing the initial value of the current_leader by checking for argv[1].


The number of rounds the algorithm will run for may be changed through user input (using argv[2]).


The current_leader can do one of the two: i) send out a HELLO message to its successor node in the ring, ii) OR decide to transmit a LEADER_ELECTION_MESSAGE message to its successor in order to initiate a leader election process.


The decision to initiate leader election has to be done in a probabilistic way. The current_leader generates a random number between [0, 1] and if this random number is above a certain THRESHOLD value, then initiate leader election. Leader election process involves first generating a random token (integer
between 0 and MAX_TOKEN_VALUE) and then transmitting a LEADER_ELECTION_MSG to successor. The LEADER_ELECTION_MESSAGE consists of 2 integers –msg[0] = rank of the token generator, msg[1] = token value.


If however, the random number is less than the THRESHOLD, then the leader would send out the HELLO message. The HELLO message consists of a single integer = HELLO_MESSAGE.


When a non-leader node ‘i’ receives a leader election message from its predecessor, it too first has to take a probabilistic decision as to whether it will participate in the leader election process (in exactly the same way as the current_leader). If yes, then it too generates a random token value (mytoken) and compares with the value of the token it received. if (mytoken > msg[1]) OR if (mytoken == msg[1]) AND (myrank > msg[0]) then the node ‘i’ will update the msg[0] and msg[1] with its rank and mytoken values respectively. If no, then it keeps the LEADER_ELECTION_MSG unchanged. Regardless of the outcome, node ‘i’ will transmit the LEADER_ELECTION_MSG to its successor. It will then issue a blocking MPI_Recv() call to receive the results of the leader election process by waiting for a message with tag LEADER_ELECTION_RESULT_MSG_TAG.


The current_leader will wait to receive back the HELLO or LEADER_ELECTION_MSG using a combination of MPI_Irecv() and MPI_Test() functions.


When the current_leader receives back the
LEADER_ELECTION_MSG, it will update its current_leader = msg[0] and then send out LEADER_ELECTION_RESULT_MSG to its successor which is a 2-element integer array consisting of: msg[0] = new leaderID, msg[1] = new leader’s token value. It will then also issue a blocking MPI_Recv() call to receive back the message with the LEADER_ELECTION_RESULT_MSG_TAG.


When a node receives a message with the LEADER_ELECTION_RESULT_MSG_TAG, it updates its current_leader = msg[0] of the received message. It then prints out its new leader.


At the end of the above steps, each node issues a MPI_Barrier() to allow for synchronization before starting the next round of iteration.


To give a sense of how your program is executing, you should print out appropriate messages for each node in every roundwhenever it receives/sends a message; decision to participate in leader election; result of leader election process