
Collection of CSC 351 (Comparative Programming Languages) Laboratory Assignments

Primary LanguageProlog

This repository contains the various laboratory assignments for CSC 351 (Comparative Programming Languages).  At the root level, we have the course syllabus, this README file, and two directories: Prolog and Lisp.  These folders each contain the lab projects pertaining to their respective languages.

The Prolog directory contains five projects, covering the following topics:
  * Prolog Introduction
  * Prolog File I/O
  * Prolog Generate & Test (N-Queens)
  * Processing Sentences
  * Prolog Concordance

The Lisp directory contains three projects, covering the following topics: 
  * Introduction to Lisp
  * Lisp Control Structures
  * Lisp Evaluation and More Recursion

The Lisp section is missing two additional Labs 9 and 10.  They represent the equivalent of Prolog's Labs 4 and 5.  Due to the online nature of the class (Spring 2021), we lacked the time to complete them. 

These assignments were created by Dr. Jeffrey J. McConnell of Canisius College.