BIPM key comparison database for radionuclide metrology

Romain Coulon, BIPM, 2022-10-03

This repository contains machine-readable versions (XML and JSON formats) of the BIPM/RI(II)-K1 key comparison reports [1]. These comparisons are made using the BIPM's measurement service, the International Reference System (SIR), which has been in use since 1976 [2]. The files contain exactly the same information as the reports publicly available in PDF format on the key comparison database platform (KCDB [3]). This database is continuously updated.

If you have any questions about this database, please contact

Structure of the data


The root of the file consists of two sections. The first section gives general information on the data. The second section gives all available details on a given radionuclide.

Representation of the tree structure of the root

  • General information
    • Content
    • Date
    • References
  • Name of the radionuclide (eg. Ga-67)
    • Key comparison data
    • Key comparison metadata

Key comparison data

Each time a report is published, an entry is created such as "Key comparison BIPM.RI(II)-K1.Xx-ZZZ(YYYY)", where Xx-ZZZ is the radionuclide (eg. Am-241) and YYYY is the year of publication. The key comparison value (KCRV) is expressed as a string with the value followed by the standard uncertainty in brackets, then a space and finally the unit (e.g. "5980.8(64) kBq"). Values of the degrees of equivalence (DoE) are in number. The quantity $D_i$ is the value of the DoE and $U_i$ is the extended uncertainty (k=2). Please note that while the KCRV is reported for each reporting year, the degrees of equivalence are only available for publications after 2019.

Representation of the tree structure of the "Key comparison data" entry

  • Key comparison BIPM.RI(II)-K1.Ag-110m(YYYY)
    • Name of the comparison
    • Year of publication
    • Key Comparison Reference Value (KCRV)
    • Reference of the published comparison report
    • Editorial assistant(s)
    • Comments on the publication
    • Unit
    • Degrees of Equivalence
      • Laboratory name
        • $D_i$
        • $U_i$
      • ...
  • ...

Key comparison metadata

The key comparison metadata is data on the key comparison data presented above. All submissions by laboratories of standard solutions of the radionuclide of interest are detailed. Each entry is referenced by the acronym of the national metrology institutes (NMI) and designated institutes (DI), followed by the year of submission (e.g. NIST-2020).

The first two entries specify with a Boolean value whether the submission is eligible for the rules defined by the CIPM/CCRI(II) to produce a DoE and be used for the calculation of the reference value. In the 3rd entry, administrative deltails on the participant are given. In the 4th and 5th entries, the contributors involved in the BIPM measurement and the participating laboratory are listed. In the 6th entry, the reference date for which the laboratory calculated the activity is given in the format "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm UT". In the 7th entry, the acronym(s) of the method(s) used by the laboratory are specified according to the nomenclature defined by the CIPM/CCRI(II). When several methods, they are separated by a ",". In the eighth entry, the full description of the method(s) is given and further relevant comments are written in the ninth entry. The particulars ("number of sample" and "number of method") of the submission are given in the 10th entry. They make it possible to know what the values that will be given later correspond to. The configurations can be as follows:

a) "1 sample and 1 measurement method"

b) "1 sample and several measurement methods"

c) "1 sample and average of several measurement methods"

d) "Several samples and several measurement methods"

e) "Several samples and average of several measurement methods"

f) "Several samples and 1 measurement method"

In configurations a) and c), only one value is given in the following entries. In configurations b), e) d) and f), several values - seprated by "," - are given in the following entries. In entries 11, 12, 13, 14, are respectively given, the activity(ies), the relative type A standard uncertainty(ies), the relative type B standard uncertainty(ies), the relative combined standard uncertainty(ies). The Half-life used by the laboratory in given in 15th entry and the reference used in the 16th entry. The entry 16 is the date of the measurement made by the BIPM SIR system in the format "DD/MM/YYYY". Then, entries 17 to 23, provide the properties of the standard solution, respectively: the chemical composition of the solution, the solvent concentration of the solution, the carrier concentration of the solution, the density of the solution, the relative activity of impurities contained into the solution, some comments on impurities contained into the solution and finally the mass of the solution. Next entries are the measurement results from the BIPM SIR system. They are shown in the following order

a) the number of the reference radium source used (could be form "1" to "5")

b) the equivalent activity measured by the SIR

c) the relative standard uncertainty of the equivalent activity considering only the SIR contribution

d) some comments on the SIR measurement

e) the combined standard uncertainty of the equivalent activity

f) the number of the equivalent activity measurement retained for the degree of equivalence when several samples or several methods

g) the specified equivalent activity for the degree of equivalence (could be specifies in case of averaging between samples or methods)

h) the specified equivalent activity for the key comparison reference value (could be specifies in case of averaging between samples or methods)

i) some addition comments on how the final equivalent activity was obtained

Finally, the last entries are the signatures of the person who entered the values and the person who checked the entries according to the BIPM quality system. The last entry on the comparison status should always be: "Published with the key comparison BIPM.RI(II)-K1".

Representation of the tree structure of the "Key comparison metadata" entry

  • Data from Lab-Acronym-YYYY
    • Eligible for the Key Comparison Reference Value (KCRV)
    • Eligible for Degree of Equivalence (DoE)
    • Laboratory
      • Acronym
      • Full name
      • Address
      • Country
      • Regional Metrology Organization (RMO)
      • Old acronyms
    • Contributor(s) from the BIPM
    • Contributor(s) from the laboratory
    • Date of reference specified by the laboratory
    • Acronym(s) of the measurement method(s)
    • Description of the measurement method(s)
    • Comment(s) on the measurement method(s)
    • Particularities of the submission to the SIR
    • Activity measured by the laboratory / kBq"
    • Type A evaluation of the relative standard uncertainty of the activity measured by the laboratory
    • Type B evaluation of the relative standard uncertainty of the activity measured by the laboratory
    • Combined relative standard uncertainty of the activity measured by the laboratory
    • Date of the measurement by the BIPM international reference system (SIR)
    • Half-life used by the laboratory / d
    • Reference for the decay data used by the laboratory
    • Chemical composition of the solution
    • Solvent concentration of the solution / (
    • Carrier concentration of the solution / (µg.g-1)
    • Density of the solution / (
    • Relative activity of impurities contained into the solution
    • Comments on impurities contained into the solution
    • Mass of the solution /g
    • Number of the radium source used by the SIR
    • Equivalent activity measured by the SIR / kBq
    • Relative standard uncertainty (SIR contribution) of the equivalent activity / 1e-4
    • Comments on the SIR measurement
    • Combined standard uncertainty of the equivalent activity / kBq
    • Number of the equivalent activity measurement retained for the degree of equivalence
    • Specified equivalent activity for the degree of equivalence
    • Specified equivalent activity for the key comparison reference value
    • Comments on the equivalent activity
    • Initials of the person who entered the data plus the date
    • Initials of the person(s) who verified the data plus the date
    • Status of the data



