Dev Convention


Color reference:

Base color: light background - dark lettering / dark background - light lettering

Text blue: #1296db

Image gray background color: #696969

Dividing line: #efefef

Background color: #efefef

Page format

Title bar text (navigationBarTitleText): unified display of the current page function

Code specification

  • Use Vant Weapp component library as much as possible
  • Empty lines between outer sibling components
  • px->rpx
  • Format centering: alignment

Data format

task stage: 
0 - unstarted
1 - progressing
2 - finished
3 - delayed
4 - reworking

task priority:
0 - low
1 - normal
2 - high

Database objects and properties

<!-- For project -->
    "_id": "",
    "name": "",
    "houseOwner": "",
    "projectManager": "",
    "startTime": "",
    "endTime": "",
    "projectDescription": "None",
    "stateDescription": "None",
    "task": [],
    "unstarted": [],
    "processing": [],
    "completed": [],
    "delayed": [],
    "currentState": "Normal"

<!-- For task -->
    "_id": "",
    "name": "",
    "startTime": "",
    "endTime": "",
    "state": 0,
    "currentPriority": "Normal",
    "descriptions": "",
    "participants": [],
    "tag": [],
    "stageOfProject": "",
    "belongTo": ""

<!-- For house owner -->
    "_id": "",
    "name": "",
    "project": "",
    "projectManager": ""

<!-- For project manager -->
    "_id": "",
    "name": "",
    "project": [],