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This app aims towards providing users help maintaining their safety and security. It tries to deal with the issue of unsafe travelling by providing routes via a heatmap so that the user can choose the safest route, deal with any emergency situation a user might have, by sending his/her location information to added contacts. The user gets an access to fire stations, hospitals and police stations within 5km of his/her current location along with their details. There is also an option to give anonymous tips regarding any crime that any individual may have witnessed. The app provides information about different IPC sections of the Indian Constitution so that the people can be well educated about the laws regarding their own safety. There is a section providing the details for Self Defense, Articles and Videos related to Physical, Mental health. Lastly, through the hotel information section we aim to help the victims of household crimes in seeking a temporary safe environment away from home.

Technologies Used:

  1. A Java/Kotlin based Android App as the frontend
  2. Google Firebase Cloud Firestore
  3. Google Maps SDK for Android
  4. Google Maps Directions API
  5. Google Maps Places API

The App:

Different Activities in the app:

  1. Main: This is the first page of the app which provides the user with two buttons Login and Register.

  2. Register: This section takes the name, age, email, password and phone number from the user and uses email and password for authentication using FirebaseAuth.

  3. Login: In this section the user can login using the email and password with which the user had registered. Authentication is done with FirebaseAuth class.

  4. HeatMap: This show a map with the graphical visualisation of data values represented by colour showing the different coordinates where crime took place in New York using the crime data set from data.cityofnewyork.usThe user can also enter the source and destination and will be provided with all the different routes he/she can take. If the user is a resident of the New York City then he/she can decide which is the safest route to take. Routes shown using polylines and google maps direction API. A swapper button has also been provided with the help of which the user can add or remove the heatmap as per his/her wish. The user can also search for the origin and destination which provides autocomplete feature using google maps places API.

  5. SOS: In this section we allow the user to add five contacts to which the user can send his location later on in any emergency situation these contacts are stored in cloud firestore. When the send button is clicked the app shows the user his current location on a map and sends a call for help to contacts which the user had added with the users current latitude and longitude. The message was sent by using the SmsManager class.

  6. Nearby Places: When this section is activated then it shows the user his/her current location with a marker. Now, the user can drag the marker to any other location and it will display a route from the user's current location with the help of a polyline and also the duration of travel. The app adds markers to location having hospitals, police stations, fire stations in 5 kilometer radius of your current location as per the user's choice. When the user clicks any of the marker then he/ she is also provided the information about the particular place and its rating in a card view.

  7. Information Section: This section provides information for the users so that either they can be safe or take action if a crime has been committed.
    i) The law info section consists of various IPC sections focussed on crime and criminal activity so that the users are well informed.
    ii) The hotel info activity consists of various hotels and the ratings of each hotel. Anyone can even register their own hotel.
    iii) A self defence section which provides with information, links and locations of different self defence classes online and offline. Any user can even register his own class.
    iv) The section for counselling awareness provides with information about classes for counselling and also uploaded articles by different users or register for their own classes for counselling.
    v) The Anonymous tips section is a place for users to report any crime which they might have witnessed anonymously.