This is an implementation of the classic game Minesweeper using the SFML graphics library. My intent in writing this program was to practice object-oriented programming. I started by C++ journey mid-August 2018, and this is my first larger-scale project.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
To run this code, you will need a C++ IDE (or familiarity with the command line) and the SFML graphics package.
First, download SFML:
Next, follow the "Getting Started" steps to ready SFML for the project (I used Microsoft VS 2017):
Finally, add the .cpp and .h files from this repository into a new project on your IDE. If using VS 2017, note that you must also copy all the .dll files from C:...\SFML-2.5.0\bin into your project folder C:...\VS_Project\VS_Project before running the code.
In main.cpp, under "// game specifications", there are two variables --- dim and bombs. The Minesweeper board is square, and dim is the number of squares per row/column. The value of bombs determines the number of bombs on the board.
- Visual Studio 2017 - The IDE used
- SFML - Graphics library
Please contact me if you are interested in contributing to this project.
- Zachary Barry - NamaChikara
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details
- Bjarne Stroustrup's text "Programming: Principles and Practices Using C++" is what lead me to this point.