This is an addon for the Discord API Wrapper Discord.Net which makes it easy to add interactivity to your discord bot.
The package is available to download on NuGet. Make sure to use the preview version of this package if you are planning to use the preview of Discord.Net
- Waiting for a message / reaction which passes your filter
- Run actions on filtered messages / reactions
- Delayed sending and deleting messages & files
- A powerful fully customizable Paginator
- Send multi page messages
- Move through pages using reactions
- You can choose between a static and a lazy loaded one
- Get more customizability by creating your own child of the
- Fully customizable selection from a list of objects
- Works with messages or reactions
- Makes user input easy
- Get more customizability by creating your own child of the
- Confirmation
To properly use the features this addon provides you need to add the InteractivityService
to your service provider.
var provider = new ServiceCollection()
.AddSingleton(new InteractivityService(Client, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(3)))
This addon does not include a custom ModuleBase
in order to support every command framework (Discord.Net.Command/Qmmands/...).
Inject the InteractivityService into your Module using DI instead. (Constructor / Public Property Injection)
public async Task ExampleReplyNextMessageAsync()
var result = await Interactivity.NextMessageAsync(x => x.Author.Id == Context.User.Id);
if (result.IsSuccess) {
deleteDelay: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20),
text: result.Value.Content,
embed: result.Value.Embeds.FirstOrDefault());
public async Task ExampleReactionSelectionAsync()
var builder = new ReactionSelectionBuilder<string>()
.WithSelectables(new Dictionary<IEmote, string>()
[new Emoji("💵")] = "Hi",
[new Emoji("🍭")] = "How",
[new Emoji("😩")] = "Hey",
[new Emoji("💠")] = "Huh?!"
.WithDeletion(DeletionOptions.AfterCapturedContext | DeletionOptions.Invalids);
var result = await Interactivity.SendSelectionAsync(builder.Build(), Context.Channel, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(50));
if (result.IsSuccess)
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(result.Value.ToString());
public Task PaginatorAsync()
var pages = new PageBuilder[] {
new PageBuilder().WithTitle("I"),
new PageBuilder().WithTitle("am"),
new PageBuilder().WithTitle("cool"),
new PageBuilder().WithTitle(":sunglasses:"),
new PageBuilder().WithText("I am cool :crown:")
var paginator = new StaticPaginatorBuilder()
.WithFooter(PaginatorFooter.PageNumber | PaginatorFooter.Users)
return Interactivity.SendPaginatorAsync(paginator, Context.Channel, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2));
public async Task ConfirmAsync()
var request = new ConfirmationBuilder()
.WithContent(new PageBuilder().WithText("Please Confirm"))
var result = await Interactivity.SendConfirmationAsync(request, Context.Channel);
if (result.Value)
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Confirmed :thumbsup:!");
await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Declined :thumbsup:!");
A MessageReceived handler is blocking the gateway task.
If you are getting this error and you are using interactivity in commands running on the gateway task, make sure your commands are running asynchronously (eg. by using RunMode = RunMode.Async).
You are not getting any errors but all interactive calls don't yield results and time out.
Make sure to use the same client for instantiating the InteractivityService
that is also used throughout your application.