VueJS Cookie Notice Component

Version 0.0.1

Customizable cookie notice component (VueJS).

Component Installation

  • Install NPM package
npm install vue-cookie-notice --save
  • Import component
import VueCookieNotice from 'vue-cookie-notice';
  • Setup component config e.g.
export default {
    data () {
        return {
            cookieData: {
                cookieName: 'cookie-notice-identifier',
                message: 'This site uses cookies, by continuing you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie Policy, Privacy Policy, and our Terms of Service.',
                style: {
                    background: '#1a75ff',
                    text: '#e0f5ff'
  • Add your component to your template and pass the component the config as a prop e.g.
<cookie v-bind:data="cookieData"></cookie>

Future Changes

  • Remove demo and update
  • Add notice position customization.
  • Add notice transparency customization.
  • Remove demo from NPM package & link codepen or alternative demo.