Next App Boilerplate

React, Typescript, Next.js (app router + server components)
(also: SCSS, redux-toolkit, next-translate, docker-multi-env)

Requirements: Node.js >= v20.9.0

make .env.local file using sample .env.local.sample


Available Scripts

npm run dev

Development mode with HMR
Open http://localhost:3000


npm run dev80

Development mode with HMR
Open http://localhost


npm run build

Generating optimized build for production


npm run prod

Start the production
!!!! NOTE !!!!: don't forget to copy folder .next/static to .next/standalone/.next
OR: just use command npm run prod:local
OR: use Docker (commands below)


Using Docker and Makefile

Development environment

make build-development
make start-development
make stop-development // to shut down

Open http://localhost:3001

Staging environment

make build-staging
make start-staging
make stop-staging // to shut down

Open http://localhost:3002

Production environment

make build-production
make start-production
make stop-production // to shut down

Open http://localhost:3003


Learn More

To learn more about Next.js, take a look at the following resources: