
This is for a Syscomatic Backend Developer Hiring Task

Welcome Backend-focused Product Task By Syscomatic

TIMEBOX:    Deadline 3days. We mean it! Set at timer and hard-stop at 4 hours ⏱
LANGUAGES:  Python, Javascript
FRAMEWORKS: Django, Flask, NodeJS, etc (Exercise MongoDD or MySQL)
TESTS:      nice to have, but not mandatory
DOCS:       nice to have, but not mandatory


This exercise is to implement the best possible solution to one of the exercises below in the time alloted. We're evaluating your ability to take a set of requirements and spike a holistic solution that demonstrates craftsmanship, thoughtfulness and good architectural design. This is NOT a test of how well you know Node.js/Python/Django/Flask/SQL, nor should you try to impress us with overly clever and obtuse solutions. If you want to impress us, build something that is beautiful, intuitive and easy to debug/test/extend 😃 .

Ideally your solution would have some way to run locally and test the results so we can fully analyze your efforts.

You Have to install MongoDB Compass and create a Database 
as your preferred name then import all off the Json files


role: {
      type: String,
      //  ACO -> Account Owner
      // BM -> Brand Manager
      // OM -> Outlet Manager
      //SA -> Super Admin
      enum: ['ACO', 'BM', 'OM', 'SA'],
      require: [true, 'Role must be selected'],

      orderStatus: {
      type: Number,
      [0 cancelled, 1 pending, 2 confirmed, 3 rider confimed, 4 waiting,
      5 on the way(Dispatch)
      enum: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
      default: 1,


🚨 ❗ 👉 Please import the all json format data into your MongoDB compass [CLOUD-KITCHEN] 👈 ❗ 🚨

Exercise A: Expose an API for querying some Statical Data

The goal of this exercise is to design a read-only API (REST) that returns one or more records from static set of compensation data.

User Story: As a developer I want to

  • list compensation data via API GET request

    • Get Outlet Based On Heat and show(API)-Permission only (SUPER ADMIN)

    • Make and EndPoint Outlet Heat Average(API)-Permission only (SUPER ADMIN,ACCOUNT OWNER)

  • fetch a single record via GET request

    • Stretch Goal: Return Total Order By Outlet(API)-Permission only (SUPER ADMIN,ACCOUNT OWNER)

    • Stretch Goal: Get Cutomer History By Brand(API)--Permission only (SUPER ADMIN,ACCOUNT OWNER)

A few quick notes on submitting Exercise A

  • Don't worry about any web application concerns other than serializing JSON and returning via a GET request.
  • The example above (/Database...) is not a contract. Feel free to design the URL structure and JSON schema that you believe creates the best client/consumer experience

Exercise B: Database Design Exercise - Storing Compensation Data

  • search Discount by Brand
  • Get Top Performing Brands

Submit your Task with Proper Documentation and Github Repo Link Postman Public webview at this mail tech.syscomatic@gmail.com