
SMS microapi for team lone rangers

Primary LanguagePython


SMS microapi that connects with Twillo to allow users send sms.

This API requires python 3.++

To Contribute:

  • Create a personal fork of this repo
  • Clone the fork to your PC using the command git clone ~url to your fork~
  • Change to the newly created directory on your PC
  • Switch to develop branch using the command git checkout develop
  • Create your virtual environment
  • Install the RabbitMQ
  • Run the command pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Make your changes
  • Ensure you are working with an up to date version of the repo to avoid merge conflicts
  • Before pushing, please pull the develop branch
  • Run the command pip freeze > requirements.txt to update the requirements file with any dependency you used
  • Push your changes to your fork git push
  • Make a pull request to the Develop branch of the main repo

When making a PR, please follow the guides below

  • Please use the PR template when making an update
  • Always comment your code for hard to understand feature
  • APIs should carry annotation
  • Your PR should contain descriptions so it's easier to read and merge
  • Test, Test and Test