
Some algorithms, than i need some help to complete !

Primary LanguageC++

algorithms hacktoberfest

Hacktoberfest 2022


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You've come to the right place.

Make some algorithms in differents languages, about the issues. How it's work ?

  • Create some issues for one algorithm.
  • Fork the repos, make it and create a Pull Request
  • Add your name in contributor
  • Update readme with done in right colomn

Drop a ⭐ on the Github repository

Algorithm Code 2 3 other language
Minimum in array ar-min Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done
Bin Sort ar-binsrt Done Done Done Done
Boyer Moore's Algorithm ar-bm Done
Breadth First Search gr-bfsrh Done Done Done
Bogosort ar-bogosort Done Done Done Done Done
Bubble Sort ar-bsrt Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done
Coin Change Problem ar-cochprb Done Done Done Done Done
Depth First Search gr-dfsrh Done Done
Dijkstra Algorithm gr-dij Done Done Done
Exponentiation by Squaring ar-expsq Done Done
Heap Sort ar-hsrt Done Done Done Done Done
Insertion Sort ar-isrt Done Done Done Done Done Done Done
Kadane's Algorithm ar-kdn Done Done Done
Knuth-Morris-Pratt ar-kmp Done Done Done Done
K-NN ar-knn Done Done
Largest Sum Contiguous Sub-Array ar-lscsa Done Done
Linear Search ar-lsrh Done Done Done Done Done
Longest Common Subsequence ar-lcs Done Done Done
Longest Increasing Subsequence ar-lis Done Done Done
Longest Palindromic Substring ar-lps Done Done
Merge Sort ar-msrt Done Done Done Done Done Done
Modular Exponential ar-mexp Done Done
Naive Search ar-nsrh Done Done Done
Pigeonhole Sort algorithm ar-.... Done
Prime Factor ar-prfac Done Done Done Done
Prims gr-prims Done Done
Quick Select ar-qsel Done Done Done
Quick Sort ar-qsrt Done Done Done Done Done Done
Radix Sort ar-radsrt Done Done
Rod Cutting Problem ar-rcprb Done
Selection Sort ar-ssrt Done Done Done Done Done Done
Shell Sort ar-shsrt Done Done Done
Sieve of Erastosthenes ar-soer Done Done Done Done
Sleep Sort ar-slpsrt Done Done Done Done
Spiral Matrix ar-spmat Done Done Done
Count Sort ar-csrt Done Done Done
Evaluate Postfix Expression ar-pstfix Done Done
Z function ar-zfnc Done Done
Red Blacktree ar-rbtree Done
Rock Paper Scissor ar-rpprscs Done Done Done Done Done Done
String Hashing ar-strhsg Done
Left View Binary Tree ar-lvwbintr Done Done
Top View Binary Tree ar-tvwbintr Done Done Done
Right View Binary Tree rightview Done
Bottom View Binary Tree ar-bvwbintr Done Done


follow this model

Added [XXX] algorithm in the good folder.

  1. added [XXX] algorithm.
  2. updated readme.